
I’m very curious how they would be able to enforce this.

OooOoh, Bolg Taskmaster, Swipe Right!

Oh god, white people and their charity. What privileged a*holes amirite. Why does every gift horse need to be given a thorough dental exam.

11. “Everybody’s a little bit racist”

I love to see actual statistical facts brought into the conversation! But it cuts both ways of course. Yes! An increased poverty rate is the great confounder that can explain away disproportionate violent black crime. But let’s not cherry pick the application of this statistical fact according to our confirmation

That’s a bit... insane. What part of the country are we talking about here?

The difference of course, is that modern technology has enabled only one asshole to commit mass murder, whereas a hundred years ago it took an entire village.

Actually this part is exactly like “Btooom!” A popular manga first published in 2009 and adapted into an equally awesome anime in 2012. People are kidnapped, strapped into a parachute harness while unconscious and released over a tropical island to participate in a battle royale death match. (It’s also a video game in

Unexpected sincerity is unexpected. Thank you for this.

Interpersonal competition can be highly motivating in the classroom. At least Triseum is doing the basic research to prove their product is effective (and even quantifies mean improvement to align expectations), so no assumptions required.

It always baffled me how common it is to hear “white trash.” It seems it’s still socially acceptable to discriminate based on socioeconomic status, appearance, accent, etc... just not race, gender, sexual orientation or disability. How can you insult the dignity of another human more than calling them trash?

As opposed to the developing world were it could literally be a “life saver”? We’re a first world country, and time management is a first world problem. No need to apologize for that. Global capitalism is working hard to get everyone there soon.

Back before every phone had a camera I believed in the adage leave your camera at home. Now I’m just an old man with tall tales.

That gif is The Root! It should be the obligatory first comment after every post. Delicious.

There aren’t many good adult games you can play with a little one around, this was one of the few. I had fun.

lol. Pretty sure you got all white women. So much for #notallwhitewomen.

I should have read this more carefully. I went to Lucina’s banner and dumped my orbs. I got Lucina! But WTF no cool outfit? Oh snap, it doesn’t start until Aug 31.

I learned to ride at a course in a flat parking lot, but I lived in San Francisco where flat spaces are just the brief interludes at the top and bottom of huge hills. My first attempt to go up a steep hill from a standing start, the bike shot out from underneath me. Luckily no one was around. For the first few weeks

I dropped my first bike so many times and it got knocked over by cars so many times, I would never recommend a first time rider buy a new bike. You don’t want to learn how to protect your bike on a fancy new ride.