
It is super cute how some kids add “-ed” to any noun to make it a verb. I remember a cute Skyrim video on Kotaku where a little girl cried out when her daddy got “sworded”. My kid doesn’t do that though, she just makes up a word and pretends it’s in a language I don’t understand. I’ll have to talk with her about

Luke: My kid is a super cute gaming genius.

An ally is like a friend, someone who will walk with you when there are hard times, stand up for you, and make the occasional sacrifice for you. Do you see yourself walking side by side with an ally, or do you just want them to sit down, shut up, and move to the back of the bus? If it’s the latter, then your friend

I would stay away from the Moviepass website today. After 20 minutes of time-outs and application errors, the website took my money but failed to create an account! I have a receipt from Paypal but Moviepass says my account doesn’t exist. So yay, now I get to deal with their non-existent support, whenever they feel

If she speaks out, she’s derided for waving around her white privilege, co-opting the POC voice, making it about her, etc...

Reminds me of the New Coke backlash, when they tried to kill off the original formulation of coca-cola. Popular outcry forced them to bring it back as coca-cola classic, and instead of being punished for their hubris, the c-suite got promotions and bonuses for making people care about Coke again.

That’s Princess Coriander of the Tumeric to you, pheasant.

The real lesson here is don’t use social media.

I watched an edited playthrough on Youtube at 1.5x speed after getting hooked by your first stream. I thought it was really good! At that speed you don’t notice wooden voice acting. This is also my strategy for “completing” any JRPG.

Is he a big guy? I can’t tell. The props make him look tiny.

Orrrrr... you could make them watch it with you and put their reaction on youtube.

This is also called “cottaging.” Everything I know about this “lewd activity” I learned from self-hating hypocritical Republican senators.

Now playing

Ah yes, the sweet taste of victory and the stench of defeat. I know just where they can stick the aerosolizers for the home version too!

When a cop tries to pull you over, always run. If you piss ‘em off enough, you’ll get your charges dismissed and a huge cash payout!

Great post, great show. All the absolute worst stereotypes, but they manage to humanize the characters so they’re sympathetic rather than insulting. Not an easy trick to pull off in the age of outrage.

Skimming the title I thought the boys in black were getting a club together for a new baseball minigame, the FFXV Bad News Bears.

I think this is the Cyanide developed Game of Thrones (2012), not the TellTale version. It got crap reviews but I actually really liked it! I thought the story was pretty good.

Black is beautiful. More people should be doing this.

I learned something from this post. Thank you. I haven’t played since Mirrodin.