
This definitely works. It started as a New Years resolution and now I’ve been going to the gym every day at 6am for a year and a half. After a few months I stopped having to set an alarm because your body just wakes you up. There is plenty of research to suggest that first thing in the morning is the best time to

Kyoto, Kobe, and Nara are also in Kansai.

I disagree! We all know why VHS beat Betamax.

Wow. I haven’t listened to Utada since her disastrous English album (probably one of the last physical CDs I ever bought).

I was going to say you need heels to safely use stirrups, but nope, not these heels. Also, Amazons spit at equine safety.

You can’t hurry love, no you just have to wait... or spend 20 orbs. And my waifu is... Lyn!

So, has anyone ever completed the challenge? Is it even physically possible to squeeze that volume into your digestive track in an hour? It takes 2.5-3 hours to pass 50% of your stomach contents into your small intestine. Even with Kobayashi’s stomach expanding tricks (binging on seaweed and then drinking a lot of

Ha! I broke the cycle! I played every day for 2 years, but I’m 63 days clean now. Life after Hearthstone is possible, just take it one day at a time.

I feel like Sombra is cribbing Haneru’s style from Tribe Cool Crew.

Now playing

Romania, purveyor of fine pop since 2004. I hope they win.

This is awesome. Of course pirates are going to be salty. It’s in the air they breathe.

In screencaps, the white chest piece looks like a bib, which is how it’s done here. I think the whole outfit is amazing.

Now playing

Oh man, it’s down already. Here is a new link until this gets flagged too.

This is equally true for white people as well, and the same principle applies in every country and culture. In every language there is a dialect considered proper and educated and then all other dialects connoting some degree of “rubeness.” My wife is Japanese and when she speaks with strangers on the phone she always

For all the skillful painting of grotesques the thing that made me recoil was potion-lady’s right hand, for some reason.

:) I might have misread an implied “\s” in your initial comment, and you might have missed it in mine. Chelsea Clinton in 2020, amiright?!

First we have to finish getting rid of this ridiculous healthcare entitlement, so we don’t have to pay for them all after they get cancer.

Just in case the devs mine these comments, strong disagree! Daily quests please! I’m a casual player (f2p, no inheritance/merge allies complex nonsense), but I’ve already completed all quests and without quests there is absolutely nothing to do. Use your shards and get it done!

Unfortunately, it was a T-Mobile jump upgrade so I had to wipe and hand in my old phone in the store after doing the data transfer by data cable. I didn’t check every game :(