
Thanks for the warning. I didn’t get that far in SAO but nothing transferred over when I upgraded my phone this week (I had thought the data was tied to my google play account like FFRK). Now I don’t feel so bad about it. I lost FF Brave Exvious too; Meh. At least I’ve still got FFRK and FE Heroes to torment me.

Perspective for those chasing waterfalls.

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“My rhymes are slow and ponderous, my flow preposterous like a rainbow rhinoceros come to process us.”

Agreed, although he didn’t personally consult the creators (but should have)... Xseed did that after he quit. Translation should be about preserving creative intent, not a literal transcription.

Sometimes you’re so far behind the meta, you’re ahead of the meta.

My dad actually bought me a black Swingline and painted it red for Christmas that year.

People were laughing at Trump until IT HAPPENED. It’s hard to laugh when you’re living through the apocalypse, no matter how absurd.

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Wow. I feel like I just watched a twilight zone marathon.

That Raven pic is perfect. And the Green Arrow. And, holy crap, they’re sisters? What a powerhouse cosplay duo!

I saw Your Name in the theaters yesterday. Amazing. After years of watching anime on a laptop, just the experience of seeing anime in a real theater was pretty cool. I dragged my wife along as well; even though she’s not into anime she was crying at the end. Great date movie.

You must! Paranoia Agent was so good. It blew my mind when I first saw it on Adult Swim.

Now playing

Paprika has the best opening credits sequence of all time (IMO).

Congratulations, Computron has volunteered you for the culling! Your security hosts will be by to taze you shortly.

We bought a Buick Encore three years ago and love it. My wife gets her elevated seating position and the chassis is small enough to park on crowded city streets. Not sure why anyone would buy a car when crossover performance and MPG is just as good with a bonus storage and height advantage.

Call of Duty: Brushfire. You’re a special forces consultant to UN Peacekeeping forces in Africa. Child soldiers, genocide, hutus, tutsis, janjaweed, boko haram, so much politically sensitive and narratively rich material it would make headlines for days!

“ I don’t have to assume the worse out of white people when given the chance to do the right thing, they do the shitty thing every chance they get.”

First, I clicked the link to ask a question, since yes, Kinja is forcing me to read this headline. I have no idea where else to address it.

Would someone please tell me how to remove the Kinja roundup from appearing on other Kinja sites? I’m not strictly white, but these headlines from The Root are so vitriolically racist and misleading, it makes me cringe to read them. I didn’t vote for Trump, but voting for him doesn’t auto-qualify you as a racist.

It’s small but the main event stage looks legit. Not surprised they didn’t put much effort into the overflow tent.

Looks like he has plenty of black followers on twitter, and if his friends don’t have a problem with it, I’m sure as H-E-double hockey sticks not going to make it my problem.