
I don’t think Gamestop humans are any worse than normal humans. However, behavioral economics are pretty clear. People are far more likely to push a button and wait 2 days for a product if it means they can stay planted on the couch. Having to put on pants is the worst.

So how long will it remain available on Crunchyroll? I still have 200 episodes to catch up on.

I can feel your confusion. Am I judging these by which is better?, worse?, which I would rather have right now?, or which makes me maddest in March?

As lengthy as the script may be, the promotional image is surprisingly light on plot.

The Graco amazon link doesn’t actually contain links to any products...

The Graco amazon link doesn’t actually contain links to any products...

I think there’s a Kotaku article waiting to be written on how drug use has gone down commensurate with gaming’s rise in teens. That daily dopamine fix hits the spot.

Please post the transcript where Wilson admits that Brown never hit him, because that would blow my mind. This other stuff is pretty meaningless in terms of the legal justification for his actions.

Didn’t the Church of England also threaten to sue Sony for depicting Manchester Cathedral as a hive of alien scum and villainy in Resistance: Fall of Man?

When truth in advertising makes headlines.

I don’t mind scanty female body armor, but for some reason, forcing all the female characters to wear really uncomfortable looking high heels disturbs me. Am I a feminist?

I hope this leads to some “Games you can play with your little kids” coverage on Kotaku. I bought nine AAA games during Black Friday/holiday sales and haven’t opened any of them (except ReCore) because my 5 y/o girl is always around and every game leans heavily on the ultra violence.

I thought if I took a break I’d have time to find the sweet release of death. Oh well, guess I’ll make another movie.

I would love to see him on “So You Think You Can Dance”!

Destiny had a double RNG element that they had to scrap pretty quickly after launch over player revolt. If the loot had a color indicating something really rare, it originally meant that it only had a chance of being rare loot when you got it identified (or decrypted your purple engram to find it was green level

Some women are always looking for a broken man to fix.

After playing Battlefield 1, Tanya feels really relevant and it keeps getting better. Give it another shot!

The arrogance! I still use my PS3 and it’s the only reason I’m still upped with PS plus. I’ll get through my backlog one day! My daughter will love LBP3.


Be honest with yourself Fahey, if her face looked Asian instead of like a reject Harley Quinn and everything else remained the same, you would be over the moon.

It has to be a quick enough diversion that the procrastination doesn’t cause me even more stress and yet provide a small sense of accomplishment and progression; right now that game is FFRK. I’m looking forward to checking out your recommendations too!