“Business Division 2" is the name of the studio? When you want more cookie cutter cut and paste from your corporate drones, BD2 is the studio for you. Do the developers wear a suit and tie to work too?
“Business Division 2" is the name of the studio? When you want more cookie cutter cut and paste from your corporate drones, BD2 is the studio for you. Do the developers wear a suit and tie to work too?
There’s talk, however, that some Korean hackers are using VPNs (virtual private networks) to play with US/UK accounts from PC bangs, getting banned, and just making new accounts using the same method. Meanwhile, their personal accounts—which can be banned despite being used from PC bangs—stay safe.
I disagree. McDonald’s actually has global wage standards and has some of the nicest restaurants in third world countries. When I was in Ecuador a decade ago and fell off a cliff (true story) I couldn’t get seen by a doctor as they were all on strike (government healthcare!) because they were making less than…
I downloaded the game to check this out, so yeah, it’s working. A Bieber summon would be amazing.
While I’m inclined to agree, this trailer felt pretty heavy on the impossibly beautiful girl stuffing her face with food all the time trope.
That’s one way to ensure you will remain forever faithful to your waifu.
lol. Square Enix forced to apologize for racially offensive cultural appropriation in 3,2... oh wait, that’s why Trump got elected.
He’s probably just making that up so they don’t look for the money were he actually stashed it... in the Caymans.
Their dope fashion stylings and hip hop ‘tudes reminds me of the World Ends With You. Loved that game.
It’s related to the “broken windows” theory of crime. If everyone around you is pirating, you are more likely to pirate too. Just like when everyone was pirating music in the 90s, you felt like a chump if you were paying for your music. Now everyone uses subscriptions and it’s easier to look at those who pirate music…
Let me add my voice to the chorus of Kudos. Best game review I ever read. Loved the flashbacks and the feels.
Fully funded! and wait, what? Why did they just raise the goal to 4.5 million? What are they going to do with the extra 2 million?
Ash has a seedy tween mustache now? He’s finally growing up!
Awesome desk accoutrement. I hope they made it magnetic so I can hang paper clips and fancy pens from it.
It’s amazing how deep the trauma can be. It was two decades before I could watch baseball again after all my cards were stolen in middle school. The choir teacher demanded we leave our backpacks out in the hall; who can a kid trust after that?
Dissing Ghandi got Clone High cancelled. You better watch yourself Kotaku, or be Gawkered.
That’s only because he hasn’t been on the GOP radar until July and hasn’t been subjected to a decades-long smear campaign. If he became president just wait and see what trumped up charges they bring against him.
If I breathe on it wrong it skips all the way to the end, usually right to the scene where the guy’s best friend dies.
Unfortunately, the social justice movement has been co-opted by a few who take it to extremes to vent hatred and exercise petty power over the “oppressor”. And the bad vibes are oozing over the border. When I was in Toronto a local college had to shut down a popular free yoga class for the community because there was…