
This article is on point. As a straight male, I too find the gratuitous fan service off-putting and it makes it difficult to share anime with friends and family. However, when the show is about fan service and the plot justifies it, like Kill-la-Kill, it can be extremely enjoyable.

It’s Japan’s title IX equivalent for men’s sumo wrestling. Don’t tell me you don’t objectify those hunks in their skimpy mawashi. No wonder the world looks to Japan for its forward thinking leadership in future sport.

AR instead of VR is a neat twist. Is this the AR future we have to look forward to? When that pokemon arcanine you failed to catch instead mauls you to death.

Hear hear!!

The kickstarter vid looks great too!

I remember getting the raw egg and being like, WTF? Unless you’re Rocky, the typical American wouldn’t think of raw eggs as food or think to crack it on top of their gyudon. The phrasebook also didn’t include “WTF do I do with this?”

Now Japan just needs to invent a future sport worthy of their court.

And deny later civilizations the opportunity to dynamite the relics of their pagan ancestors to show fealty to their new god? Imperialism! Cultural Appropriation! Angry Buzzwords of Victimization!

This show is amazing, great anime is amazing, thus by the transitive property of the inductive fallacy, this show is great anime. QED.

Darn your algorithmic pricing Amazon! When I checked on Marvel Munchkins at 7 AM PST it was already up to $19.50, now at noon PST it’s up to $20.50 (same seller).

Darn your algorithmic pricing Amazon! When I checked on Marvel Munchkins at 7 AM PST it was already up to $19.50,

This. I’d rather see a map of nests (perhaps a heat map of spawn rates overlaid on a geographic map for each pokemon) because location seems to be much more important than random spawn rates. I got 7 Squirtles and 12 Psyducks in the 4 hours I was at a J-pop festival at Fort Mason in SF. Onix only has a .1% spawn

“wham-bam-thank-you-glans” New favorite quote.

My 4 y/o daughter just started watching the original Pokemon on Netflix too. I’m going to have to nip this in the bud.

Lochte didn’t even go to the media, his mother did. Why would he make up a story to his Mom? I don’t get how anything with the bathroom toilet or him keeping his cell phone has anything to do with the robbery, especially if the robbers really were cops. Cops just want untraceable cash, they don’t want to be seen

Typical. Humans get transported to a new world and immediately start slaughtering the locals.

It worked for Far Cry: Blood Dragon, and it will work for CoD.

#1 PokemonGo Athletes

Cool, cool, cool... Argh! What is wrong with Star Princess’s face?

What’s the story behind the birth of Kotaku? Who’s idea was it? Has its focus changed over the years? Was it always part of Gawker?

Thanks! I’ve been looking for a fun family friendly anime and will definitely check it out. I had heard great things about Food Wars and my wife is addicted to cooking shows, so I thought that would be the anime that would get her hooked. Less than a minute into the first episode and they already go full tentacle. My