
If a competitive player has completed all the requisite dark rituals and chicken slaughter that Yogg-Saron demands, then it is only right that s/he wins at Yogg-Saron’s seemingly random whim.

Methinks the VP short list just got embiggened by 1.

Japanese society is like Logan’s run. After you graduate high school you’re sent to the Sleepshop.

I would give you a star, but you forgot Jezebel.

Woot! Chair Leg of Truth!

We must quash all games tainted with imperialism! Long live the empire! err, proletariat!

What? Because gun-owners of other races are law-unabiding? That’s racist!

Your assumption is false. Most who survive their first suicide attempt get the help they need and don’t end up dying by suicide. With guns you don’t get a second chance.


There’s a difference between an engineer manually changing entries in a database and creating a service that does so; especially when they screwed up and made the PSN handle the primary key across all tables so it can’t be changed without risking breaking everything.

+10 for Valkyria Chronicles.

Is this the end result of all democracies? Great empires reduced to small squabbling city-states through tribal atavism?

The 12.6k people who have clicked on this link so far wish you a fond farewell.

Seriously? Here is a list of over a hundred “gates”:

Wow, that’s a really high evidentiary bar to meet. I had Yellow Dog installed because I thought I would be able to browse anime sites that I couldn’t get to run in their default browser. It was way too slow and the memory limitations meant I couldn’t load the videos or they crashed after a short while. Totally

Be careful what you wish for, the dark web beckons.

That’s why China acts like it’s no big deal when Tibetan monks set themselves on fire to protest the occupation.

Now playing

Yes, but how does it perform on the floating blocks?

Aw man, so sad about Action Trip. Best of luck to everyone at Action Trip, warm wishes, and thanks for all the laughs!

Games are immaterial. I always buy the latest iPhone, Gucci sneakers, and console of the month so when I have friends over, they know who has the biggest e-peen.