
He should move to San Francisco. You could be running a Crack den in your entirely unaffordable studio and it would take years of legal action for a landlord to evict you. I’m sure he could fight that BS eviction in Brighton too. My neighbors partied outside on the balcony next to my window three nights a week until

Wait, what? Link is a righty now?

Can’t wait for the Ben Heck DIY hack!

Wouldn’t be surprised if this whole thing was orchestrated by the Kremlin as a proxy war to rile up nationalism.

Hoping we can toggle off the HUD, play solo, and just zen out in VR.

If songs in this style and inflection weren’t on the radio every day there might be an argument here. But this is America’s culture. Would you ever tell a kid singing a song in the style they love to stop singing that way because of the color of their skin? And if they add a bit of themselves to it, would that make

Shucks howdy, amigo. I’m going to miss your anime reviews and excellent articles. If this is at all related to the Hulk Hogan lawsuit bankrupting Gawker, I’m going to kick his ass!

Spiderman: No Mech

My motorcycle was stolen in San Francisco. The cops wouldn’t investigate, but I did and the building manager was kind enough to show me two guys pulling up in a lowrider and throwing my bike in the back. I found it two weeks later in the Tenderloin, this time with good video of a rider. The police again didn’t care to

We should be talking about a lack of justified police assertiveness. The cops are such a joke, the guy nonchalantly drives away with a gun in his face since he knows they can’t use it. What’s the point? James Comey is right.

LA, get this guy on the line. I smell romcom movie porn magic!

I’m really psyched! I never played the first one but SF is the perfect location for a game like this. For all its money, tech sophistication and culture, SF is really gritty as hell. I’m glad they acknowledged our homeless problem in the expanded trailer because it is out of control. I wonder if they will jump on the

I tried WoW for the first time a few months ago as well, since I love hearthstone. I tried a Death Knight first. It took me 15 minutes to realize one of the first quest markers was actually on a different floor and I had to walk through a red glowing ball to get there. The next quest was to forge a sword in a room

Heavenly sword was the launch game that convinced me to get the PS3. Also Nariko looks a lot like this heroine.

Wait, what? Spoilerzzz! Although, honestly, knowing the Earth explodes or something makes me want to get around to playing it.

She looks amazing. This game looks amazing. With this and playstation VR, maybe it’s enough to convince me to get the PS4 this holiday season? Nariko and Heavenly Sword looked amazing too, though.

The developer’s response is understandable given their education and cultural background. In Russia, it would be the user with the LGBT icon that would be punished. It’s illegal to promote homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism in most parts of Russia. I live in SF where gay is the new normal, but that

They’re Russian. Move along, nothing new to see here.

神奇寶貝, Magic Babies is clearly the best translation. The Hunger Games and Battle Royale have nothing on Magic Baby Tournament of Sun and Death.

And you sir, could stand to brush up on your English orthography, because they are not pronounced at all the same in English. But I get it. The Danish have a lot of words for poop because of people like you, posting crap on the internet.