I see, I misunderstood which aspect of that gif you were pointing out. Your clarification makes more sense.
I see, I misunderstood which aspect of that gif you were pointing out. Your clarification makes more sense.
May want to add a correction:
Thought I heard that song before from the first video (From the End of Evangelion btw).
A convict in a potato sack who’s a gifted acrobat escapes the dragon attack at Helgen by wall-running a crumbling tower and a mountainside, prances through a bandit ambush, assaults a hunter, steals his horse, bends the horse into a catapult that launches him precisely to Riften’s docks, punches the first guard in the…
3 more minutes later their marriage went on a rocky start.
Shirley’s the best. Even beyond the novelty of “elderly Youtube gamer”, it’s great to see someone who enjoys gaming without a care in the world for all of the cynicism and dickwaving of the community. Just pure enjoyment of the medium.
Nursing homes should be more bearable once the video game generation moves in.
“Don’t worry about the world ending tomorrow. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.”
Greetings from the future! We have accepted our new sheep overlords!
One of my childhood friends lives in New Zealand. (I live in Texas) He sends me birthday greetings from the future every year.
“This post originally appeared on Kotaku Australia, where Alex Walker is the Editor. You can follow him on Twitter if you’re into that sort of thing.”
Memes like it’s 2011!
Shirley Curry is fantastic. even if you only have a few minutes per day, it’s always an enjoyable experience. She posts daily(!) so there’s always something new on her channel.
Some say she started when she was 20 and still hasn’t done all the side quests!
Wow. Way to project. Guy was just stating he preferred the original. Nothing wrong with that.
“You logic is the same as those who fears TV, those who feared Radio...”
Jesus, dude, tone it down! He was sating an opinion on animation quality. Go youtube a sample from one of the Berserk Movies compared to the new stuff. I haven’t touched anything Berserk since 2002 and I can tell the animation for the new 2016…
The original Berserk looks so much better than this one. The art and CG in this series look like they belong to a low budget 90's video game, not an anime from 2016.
“It’s no secret that, even for 1997, the original Berserk anime looked bad.”