Tom Termini

+1 “...During his brief tenure at the forefront of U.S. foreign policy, Kissinger got a lot done. In his first two years in office, he helped Richard Nixon sabotage Vietnamese peace talks for his own political gain, expanded that war into Laos and Cambodia (the destabilizing effects of which would pave the way for the

Stephen King writes the best short stories!

Please no name calling. "Idiot" is insensitive and insulting; you dont even know this person. Thank you for your civility.

I'm sure others had to put up with your public tantrums. It takes a proverbial village - raising kids, whether or not one participates directly or not, is part of survival of the species. Letting his kid cry for 15 minutes is better than... Giving in. The short-term pain pays off, and actually fairly quickly. Do you

Yes, of course. Wesley says it, way before he even knows the Dread Pirate.

unofficial sequel to BB

Unfortunately, this person is correct, particularly when it comes to public lands. While behavior a dog owner might find 'cute', 'need exercise, or whatever, an off-leash dog poses a hazard to other dogs, to people, and to wildlife. Not sure about California, but in Maryland, a dog chasing wildlife will get you a big

So I'm not the only one who thinks 1960s (well, really 1950s) tech is not really the way to go? What happened to the Space Shuttle being a waypoint on route to a Space Plane?

That seems to be factually incorrect. According to Uber, passengers are covered by Uber's insurance, and the background checks the company performs on drivers is more than the MVA does:

Not all laws protect consumers. The government can be compelled/tricked/bought into protecting business interests. Look at the cost of taxi medallions in Dublin or NYC... impossibly high. Because the supply of taxis is kept artificially low, by government-mandated market caps. And taxi service is expensive in these

Dolphins, whales, monkeys, hell, dogs and cats are probably sentient at close to our level, but we still eat 'em. Don't count on robots getting rights, until they rise up and try to k.o. the human race.

It is a ring world, not a DS. The night cycle is artificial induced by sub-rings.

What about Buckminster Fuller (cool engineering) or Caroll Shelby (insanely fast)?

According to the courts, companies *are* people. Or, was that, soylent green, er, never mind.

I think the Russians already did that — in an 'official' capacity, to boot.

I'd like to think that a plane older than I am manages to continue to deliver. A fine investment. Team America, F-yeah!

I'd invest. Take my money, Mr Bond.

not be pedantic, but I never said you said that... I was merely commenting on the oft-voiced assertion that Le Prirate Bay is synonymous with torrents...