Tom Servo's mechanical heart


literally all of mine were white dudes. see also: people who wanted hillary to win and are “disappointed” but also want to reassure the rest of us that it’ll be okay.

I understand your point, but not how it relates to anything in my comment.

In retrospect I think I may have misread your comment - I read it as you were accusing me (as other commenters here have done) of being an advocate of thought censorship. Apologies if I misread! (I can’t edit my original reply to you because Kinja gonna Kinja)

at least some percentage of them (all straight white dudes with nothing much to lose, of course) seem to be enjoying watching everything burn because they think it’ll force us sheeple to wake up and so forth. God, what it must be like to be that comfortable.

awww, cyber hug back at you!! I am also finding donating to causes like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood ENORMOUSLY comforting. Seriously, when I start to get really down about the state of things I find a cause and donate and it makes me feel just a little bit better.

Judging by the very vocal third-party voters I know, a lot of them just enjoy the feeling of superiority it brings. It’s like that guy who sneers at your Starbucks and loudly announces that HE only drinks coffee from beans he grew and ground himself, except one billion times worse.

I’d say we know the same five people but we all know there are plenty of those types running around. sigh.

this is insanely adorable TBH

Bless you for this!

yup. exactly. it must be awfully nice for people who feel so safe and secure that they can sneer at the rest of us for trying to avoid the cesspool and actual, literal danger of a Trump presidency.

and the ones who AREN’T panicking are almost worse. “well maybe this will teach people we need a THREE-PARTY SYSTEM.” Okay middle-class straight white man, I guess that’s fucking easy for you to say.

I don’t think bernie supporters cost Hillary the election (I’m not one of those internet commenter people who always has fussy things like statistics at my fingertips, but i’m relatively sure that’s true).

Yeah when people are like “eh I sucked it up and dealt with YOUR GUY being in charge for 8 years” I’m just like okay but this isn’t MITT ROMNEY or someone. This is an internet troll.

I fondly remember the days before the election when I was able to make jokes about the possibility that Trump would be elected and the ensuing BREXIT-like voter regret. So young and naive I was. A sweet innocent summer child.

That too! Bet you can also guess their sexual orientation and gender identity!


I also voted for Bernie in the primary so you’re not telling me anything I don’t know.

Ayup! All the theoretical baked goods to you!

Im genuinely upset equally with anyone who contributed in any way to electing him TBH.