Everytime I see Messi do something good I picture Ronaldo’s son running up to his dad and playing it for him on YouTube and I become 100% happier
Everytime I see Messi do something good I picture Ronaldo’s son running up to his dad and playing it for him on YouTube and I become 100% happier
And that's definitely a possibility, but you know what solves this nitpicky plot hole, a single line of throwaway dialogue. When the stakes are literally win or die you don't hold anything back
No seriously though, where was Ghost during this whole battle? I know the practical answer is he was off hunting for a larger cgi budget. But how can you have a battle of that magnitude and not even give us a 3 second shot of some guy charging Jon and just getting taken out by a white blur from the corner of the…
What a fantastic episode, there's just one thing that's really bothering me, where was Ghost?
These guys are idiots, they were supposed to put all their Saturday Night Fever vinyls on the field before blowing it up
I will give at least $5 to whomever can make Rougned vs. Yordano happen. “The player you all want to see in the face versus the player you all want to see punched in the face AGAIN!”
Closed Captioning brought to you by The All New Neural Network!
An entire article about crushing HRs without a single “donger” reference...for shame!
The opening shot of the entire damn show is of an ice zombie killing a few nights watch rangers, if that doesn’t set the tone for everything else to follow I don’t know what will
No, I’m suggesting in THIS situation that it’s the parents fault. Do you think this is the first time a child has expressed a desire to go hang out with the pretty animals? Do you think it’s the zoos job to have a personal babysitter for every child that walks through the gates so mom and dad can have some free time…
In this situation yes, the parents are solely responsible for keeping track of their kid. Has it somehow escaped your notice that thousands of people including many many children have gone to that exhibit and nothing like this has happened before. So surely if the zoo was negligent and little kids are the hyper…
So either the zoo is the drunk driver in this scenario or the gorilla is. Explain to me again how either of those parties was the initiator in this tragedy
So if the parent of that kid wanted to keep the little angel out of harms way she should have done it, that’s the counterpoint to your idiotic logic. No seriously though we get it, your little Braiyden is too young to understand the consequences of his actions so it’s not his fault, and it’s ABSOLUTELY not your fault…
Swift’s Proposal wasn’t Modest enough
So now either Fat Kessel or Joe Thorton get a Cup and the Bruins continue to overpay third pairing defensemen. Truly a dark day for hockey fans in Boston
As a teenager I was playing beach volleyball on a court that had 4x4s that were the out of bounds markers and held in the sand on the court, while running back to get to a ball I dragged my foot against one of the pieces of wood and got a 3" long splinter that went in at the front of my big toe and came out just past…
Someone needs to get the 5 Nights at Freddie’s animals into this game ASAP
No one is complaining about the article, they're complaining about the spoiler filled title. You're all supposedly professional writers, maybe come up with a sentence that doesn't spoil one aspect of a just released movie. And you say it's been out for 3 days like that's some excuse for not rushing out and immediately…
I am so glad I decided to switch play styles between 1 and 3 (I skipped 2). In the 1st game I was all about the sword and board, block and parry, but for 3 I’m trying out a weapon/pyromancy combo and relying on dodges and rolls to pick my spots. It’s been highly effective once you unlock the higher tier pyro spells.…
“Spice is a weird drug”