Thomas Donohue


Anything with that sort of actuation should be required to fire live ammunition.

That might be the most entertaining thing I’ve watched all week.

Did I say Hillary had a majority?...Nope. Thanks for playing.

Tiptronic was the worst transmission. No business being in a Porsche.

Every other way? Or ONE other way, with that one way being cost?

The first time I drove one (and it wasn’t even an S) this is what happened:

Ever driven one? (honest question)

Because midship

Also, for future reference: Poor people are nuts. Wealthy people are eccentric.


Now playing

Also helpful (and my personal favorite) Lamborghini

I was fully expecting a plot twist after sentence 3.

Fuck off.

Stef’s response, “But the team is already in a box?”

yeah... no. until someone wads it up and walks away throwing the big finger at 4 other guys suddenly out $20K.

But with that sales tax rate, you have to live in Michigan. So yeah, no.

And any aspect of the position that enriches himself or his business empire. Altruism is not a trait that narcissists possess.

ABC is reporting that the final cost of the contract is around $3 billion, but that cost is probably rising. His $4 billion number may not be that much of an exaggeration.