Thomas Donohue

Yeah, not sure where else they can go with it size wise. I was just thinking that maybe they wouldn’t want to have “GTS 4.0" on the side of a 911 while it’s currently on the side of the ‘lesser’ 718 as well.

On Howard Stern this morning, Jerry walked back his CCC comments.

Once Lavazza took over, the production got to be too much of a....production....product placement....etc. I miss the early days that had one Acura reference and that was it. And they made it funny.

That was one of the best episodes. The car, the guest, the cop not knowing who either of them were......

I think the release of the NA 718 GTS 4.0 got people thinking the same might happen to the higher end of the 911 Carrera range.

GTS is still a Carrera

Didn’t watch the video, did they use a can opener to pry Jay out of that thing?

Now playing

Not a surprise, the same company that makes the override relay for my 986 makes one for the 991 Targa.....max speed is only ~9 mph but at least you can put it up while rolling into and out of a parking spot.

The issue isn’t the extra 7 seconds, but the fact that you can’t be moving for the entire 19 seconds while it opens/closes. That massive rear clamshell goes way behind the car while in operation.

Logical deduction stands to reason no other coherent answer.

Based on the title, I came here hoping it was supported by the HBO Roku or other apps so I can (easily) watch on my TV. Personally I’d prefer just the streaming sync...I can do the other chats on my phone/tablet while watching the big screen.

Keeping your ‘knowledge base’ in a remote server farm makes you a bit of a sucker for ever-increasing costs to access the internet.

You can get a USB-C PD (PowerDelivery) battery that will charge the Go anywhere (as well as a phone, etc). Much easier than the power cord and finding an outlet when traveling.

Your point is well taken (well, until you got to ‘secret love-children’ it was), but the short season plans I read about had the teams staying together for the season, not going home, etc.

Uhhh....was just talking about specific personal choice of 996 models (which are decidedly not drop-tops or Tips). Obviously those models I mentioned are more expensive.

Regardless, I’d still go for a manual 996.2 coupe given the choice...C4S or GT3 would be nice! 

Having a race with no spectators, proper precautions when possible (testing, masks, distancing, etc), and no high-risk personnel isn’t exactly a firing squad. If the teams and personnel are OK with it, then I don’t see it being different than any other group of people going back to work responsibly.

Disagree on needing IMS done on the redesigned M97 engine (from 06+ I think, which this car is), insignificant failure rate. PPI with oil inspection is all you need.

+1 on this....a quick look even shows a 997 S for $25,900.  

If you’re going to upgrade, why not add the touchscreen and BT?