Thomas Donohue

I’ve already started 3-D printing little gauge covers to sell on Amazon.

While I agree that some things should have a dedicated switch/button, I haven’t seen a car since 1987 that didn’t require you to look down at a climate control button or switch (or screen) to see what temp it was set at, or what mode it was in.

As cool as it gets...

North course, or full course?  

It’s not often that a famous photographer dies, and no one can find any pictures he took.

Strange that the MS adaptive controller isn’t available on Amazon.

If Amazon will deliver there by drone, then I’m in.

Smart.  Because every grandfather wants to impress his 10 yr old grandchild.

You’ll need to drive the manual very conservatively, as gas is $6+ per gallon in Mysticlavia.

This car was flown to the factory in England before every ‘tour’ and then back to the factory after each rally was finished. The owner must have spent millions doing this over the last ten years.

Someone actually runs Oppo?  

Will this be using salt/sodium FSI batteries?

I updated everything yesterday, but this morning it shows that it still needs (another) restart? And of course, it’s the 1903....

I’m spoiled by the V8, and I’ve driven the new GTIs, so it’s ruined for me.

This. I have an old Touareg V8 that needs to be replaced, and if the Tiguan was a bit more ‘solid’ and had decent power I’d already have one. It’s not slow, but just the way it delivers the power feels like an old lawnmower to me. The size and looks are perfect (the Atlas is too big) but it just doesn’t feel right.

It’s Friday afternoon, I’m going to segue into a Guinness!

Good catch...I’d like to blame auto-correct, but it was my brain that was at fault.

Well done.

Yup, it was faster than every LM car...but it wasn’t a race.  I’d like to see them enter Le Mans again.  They’ve only participated once since 1939.