Thomas Donohue

Weren’t the EcoBoost four-bangers doing 11's a few years ago with the turbo upgrades? If I recall the stock upgrades got into the 12's for under $40k.

You’ll be praying for those temps when it’s 112 degrees in July.

I’d argue that using the remaining battery on his smartphone to call/upload video to CNN is also a bad idea.

That sucks. Is it frozen through, or will they step into a foot of freezing water if they walk on it? Going to be a long weekend...

I find it odd that he was the one that had to find the ‘fuel’ can, and then he was also the one to pour it into the tank. Wasn’t someone else around?

I’m looking for my Windows 3.11 disks....I feel if I use the original IE browser, the formatting will all make sense.

I went even further back in time when I clicked on Rickie Traeger’s website, which was advertised (??) on the Rockford home page.

Good riddance. Most of the time I get a kid (or immature adult) in the seat behind me who hits the touchscreen way too hard, 20 times per minute, every minute, from takeoff until landing.

Safety. And maintenance (or the expected lack thereof).

Norwegian has flights for $299 and under r/t to Ireland from NY. I wouldn’t expect much (or anything) other than transportation with those kind of fares.

Because the young’uns might press the wrong button.

He’s from NY. Would you rather he wrote an article on the roads in Birmingham, AL???

The Merritt can be brutal when there is traffic. Especially when they close one lane to cut the grass/fix a railing/have a picnic (which seems to be three times a day, every day).

About an hour ago, my cousin proposed an Obama-Trump Presidential Golf Shootout Pay-Per-View.

Now playing

I actually haven’t seen it, and I’ve added it to my playlist.

Umm, no. I know Jaco very, very well.

You lost me at ‘Metallica’.

Now playing

I’ll sleep better tonight knowing that you are not me.

Ironically, I prefer Counting Crows 10-1 over Joni. Just preference, though. She’s legit. And the Crows version isn’t that great.