
Oh Tim, you're so naive. The Cavs, LeBron's former team, got the 1st pick. The Heat, Lebron's current team, got the 26th pick. 1-26? Do I have to spell it out for you? It's the number of letters in the alphabet. Now, let's break down that word, "alphabet." Al, a popular name. Pha, a phonetic spelling of a

Seriously, all jokes aside, he could have been seriously hurt. Lets be happy this guy will live to tell the tale. Great effort!


I guess now the Pacers can continue to play the Hawks for only one quarter.

the "play the right way" generation is trying to smother it in the crib.

Those are some blazin' takes.

The odds of this happening are astronomical. Seriously, someone had sex with the first Lisa?

Fair enough. Tourists and rich residents.

It's part of the current Russian trend to treat gays well ten days at a time.

Is 'sons' the new 'schools'?

Can anyone make sense of the headline?

What idiots, they don't need new toner!

"a day that saw one upset and one projected blowout remain buttclenchingly close"

It is unseemly piling-on to point out Rick Reilly's character flaws once you realize he looks like a condom pulled over a foot.

The added hyphens and spaces in a couple of the compound words really changes the whole complexion of the piece. You guys are just nit-picking

"Larry McMurtry."

They had to push the trolley because they couldn't get it out of neutral.

She must have been found being gay. Luckily, the jails in Sochi aren't done yet either.

Normally that would be a problem for me, too, but in this case I can understand it. They all went through the same weird shit together. Who else is going to be able to relate so completely?

"How'd he get back up?"