Tommy Karlsson

Robert Smigel is the creepy uncle I never had.

Nowadays when I hear the name Burt Reynolds, I can just think of Norm MacDonald in a giant orange foam cowboy hat.

I think he might have killed someone.

Jon Snow and Angel would've been really great if they teamed up. Spike and Ramsay would've been so annoyed.

To be honest if Martin was writing the script (I've not read the books) Snow not waking up would've been the more expected outcome.

"if you stay to long, you'll die"


LtMkillas play through of Dead Space and Dead Space 2. I've played the games but I'll never need to replay them because of those videos.

He is to short to be a Stormtrooper

Keep 'em coming because I love watching The Cinema Snob review them.

If Superman fighting Batman doesn't even make anyones pulse raise, something's wrong.

That's jus mean man, mean…. And sadly true.

It was between that and becoming a male stripper.

The theater I went to was pretty packed for an early showing, it was 2.5h of complete silence and people getting up to leave the second the credit started rolling talking about hoping Suicide Squad and Civil War would be better on the way out.

"Do you bleed?"
You crazy? This is PG-13!

So the there's a Trailer worse than Ghostbusters? Amazing.

Leelos giant chicken in The 5th Element (chickaan gooood). Or Trinity eating a huge bowl of beans in My Name is Trinity…

Colin McRae Rally FTW

If he wanted to do the political stuff, Maaaaaybe he should've stayed at Comedy Central (oh the irony). Late Night isn't the forum for that. Then again, Fallon is killing time on his show playing games I only thought 4th graders enjoyed and doing skits that makes SNL look good and people are eating that shit up so

How about that, I can't watch it because I'm in Sweden. This is why The Pirate Bay exists BTW.