Tommy Karlsson

My favorite cold opening is when the boys are stuffing pancakes down their throats and there's a plate with hair on the table, hair that they pull out of their mouths. Cut to Hal flipping pancakes bare chested and scratching his back with the spatula.

"RL: Yeah. And never make eye contact and look at the ground and don’t say your words at full volume. That’s what I picture,"

"with Hunt, who’s been stripped, without explanation, of the personal life Mission: Impossible IIIprovided him."

"The Simpsons will take on Boyhood in a very Simpsons version of timely parody"
That will be dated in 6 months…

Ironically, Swedes do say what the fuck quite often

well fuck.

Eddie thought David Spade was a woman after he got his new haircut, fucked him, and now it's awkward.

Just don't divide by zero

I started watching GOT just because Sean Bean was in it. I still haven't accepted Ned's dead.

How's that working out for him?

The FedEx Pope is the only religious figure that I acknowledge.

Better than the Dukes of Hazzard last week.

It's your job? And your not doing time for triple homicide? I'm impressed.

Swedes has a nasty habit of knowing how to read.