Tommy Karlsson

"The sequence where Sam carves off Jorah’s infected tissue in secret, stopping every few moments to shush his patient, is presented as comic relief why?"

What will happen to Rule 34 now?

This makes no sense at all; why would Donald Trump ever be invited to "WWE’s 2007 Battle of the Billionaires"?

It's not surprising that most people who grafitti swasticas are incapable of actually making proper swasticas.

I don't give a shit about any of theses characters :-(

TFA wasn't bad enough to make a great Plinkett review.

Cute how they assume that there will be working electricity and clear roads to travel on.

Ha! Like people who support the war on drugs would change their minds

Giacchino? Strings, strings, strings BRASS

Hey Trump, we know your hair is real, it's just that it all grows from the back of your neck and is held in place by one tube of hairgel and two cans of hairspray

So a round-house, drop-kick or what?

I want to see a poker movie were the winning hand is jacks high.

"But the animal is inside out!"

The transporter scene in Galaxy Quest may be the greatest thing ever written. And The "miners/minors" joke is so bad that it's good.

So Ben & Jerrys is trying to kill me with their Cookie dough ice cream? Well, I already knew that.


Any sources thats not your own ass?

This movie is fucking amazing. Dark, creepy, sad and hilarious.
"Prison rules, huh?"

"Inevitably, it is a bunch of evil Muslims who call up Oscar Isaac"
Wait, what?

Who forced the writer of this articel to watch Rolf's video? I mean, it wasn't aimed to him since the writer clearly isn't a fan of AVGN and the video was meant for his fan as an explanation to why he won't review the movie.
This article is like looking on to a random users twitter timeline, find something they've