Um, reminds me a lot of the Central Park woman who called the cops to report “a black man attacked me and my dog”. Good thing for video evidence...sheesh.
Um, reminds me a lot of the Central Park woman who called the cops to report “a black man attacked me and my dog”. Good thing for video evidence...sheesh.
By law security guards are just civilians and don’t have any legal law enforcement powers. Yes, they are just a observe and report type of job position.
As much as I have disdain for e.Muskoli, AutoPilot really falls on the lap of the the driver/consumer. Drinking and driving kills more people per year than any Tesla AP and I don’t hear anyone saying anything bad about alcohol or trying to ban it. Ya, I can smoke weed and drive without incident too and have on many…
And it already has the tow hitch bits in the front!
1st: Anyone ever heard of an electronics company called Sony? When Samsung was going all in on LCD flat screen TVs, Sony was still pumping money into their beloved Trinitron R&D. How’d that turn out for Sony? Walkman anyone?
We should be comfortably into the mid 30s for most vehicles these days.
We should be comfortably into the mid 30s for most vehicles these days.
As for EV adoption on both the legalization front and the demand front, could we make comparisons to tobacco? For instance since the US demand for tobacco has dropped significantly over the past decades due to education and what not, the tobacco companies have increased their marketing in poorer developing countries…
Hey, just saying this shitshow of a Titanic is going down and I'm not going to go down with it. It's going to be every person for themselves. A warmer Earth is the least of humanity's problems, potable water is going to be the more immediate issue for many. Hope you have a contingency plan, wish you the best.
Ya, go ahead and “recycle” (LOL, see all the plastic in the landfills?), go vegan, farm your own food, make your own clothes and walk everywhere. This is what I’m planning on doing when I move to Alaska this summer, well not the vegan part. So what are you doing to “save” the Earth from ourselves? Oh, and don’t forget…
Yup, this has already happened here in CA, I remember back in the 90s when it was said that CA would be zero emissions by 2020 if memory serves. I can’t seem to find sources online, I’m only getting results for the latest 2035 ban. Because these are just lip service without any real legislation, don’t count on any ban…
Besides, EVs won’t save ourselves from ourselves anyhow. EV adoption is the equivalent of getting a large Diet Coke along with your Super Sized combo #1. Besides, we are already past the point of no return.
Now I’ve shifted to wanting to make it less awful.
Someone had to go #2 really, really, bad?
Dude, just accept the fact that humanity will not change and that climate change is going to win, like I have. Look at what is happening with the pandemic. Humans with their free will and me first mentality - for survival purposes - aren’t designed to care for others or put someone else ahead of themselves. Sure there…
Oregon allows diesel to be pumped without an attendant.
Hehe, “when I grow up I want to be a gas station pump attendant.”....LOL
Will EV charging stations in NJ and OR also be full service? hehe
OK, so what’s with the dual clutch automatic on the big motor? I mean, it’s a pickup, not a sports car. Wouldn’t a standard torque converter be just as effective? How long do those dual clutches last and what are the replacement costs?
Which makes money for the city, but it doesn’t do anything to help prevent an accident that day.