Hehe, the same thing happened after 9/11. My wedding was March 2002 and we got super cheap airfare and resort accommodations at Sandal’s Bahamas.
Hehe, the same thing happened after 9/11. My wedding was March 2002 and we got super cheap airfare and resort accommodations at Sandal’s Bahamas.
And I have an appointment today for the J&J vaccine...LOL
2nd: Fun fact, in Korea, you can kill someone and just settle with the family and get out of jail.
My nephew was doing Corona to Santa Monica, yah...just nuts. But he’s happier than a puppy with two peters now that he’s working from home...haha
The charging port is not the equivalent to a butthole. It’s really the equivalent of a mouth.
Yah, racial injustice is such a drag...not my problem, right?
Fun fact: Segway, the original company was suing a Chinese company making knockoff Segways, the Chinese Co. just bought out Segway and resolved the lawsuit...LOL
250 miles laden or unladen?
Yes, the Mexican Cartels are also thinking about buying some used TBMs....LOL
The Strip gets pretty “LA” during peak times if ya know what I mean...
1.7 miles is kind of a big building...hehe ;)
At $53.5M to build, I’m sure that it is not a free fare but a tollway? How much for the toll and is it only for Tesla branded cars or EVs?
OK, at first I was like was there any good cars in 1973...a quick Google search gave me some serious relief...LOL
Haha, funny thing is that over the long term this EV SLS will be far less expensive to maintain. :)
Haha, on the other hand saw a truck with additional stainless steel plating behind the cab all shined up and everything. Sure worked well in afternoon traffic on the freeway going east without the trailer...lol
Let me throw a wrench into the works for the first question: What about two cars of the same generation but one is the alpha and the other is the omega? In my searches, it usually ultimately comes down to the overall condition of the cars in comparison. Lower miles but rattier interior usually goes for less coin than…
Ya, the world is still full of assholes and mean people. This is what I teach my kids.
One would think that making the rail system autonomous would be far easier and already accomplished by now.