But it’s not a telephone call...just using the phone for a recording device, much like making a YouTube video with it.
But it’s not a telephone call...just using the phone for a recording device, much like making a YouTube video with it.
So this thing is gonna sit around for another few decades before it resurfaces again? LOL
Actually, beer cans are made from aluminum...there may be a keg or two from the block? lol
And keep it FWD too? ;)
And keep it FWD too? ;)
LOL, whole lotta fuckin’ goin’ on over there ;)
I’ve read enough of her posts to know where she stands, and yes, the horse does need exercise. Not acting is the same as taking stand, or something like that someone once said.
I have over 15,000, the result of over 48 years.
all sizes toys, thermometer, posters.
OK, for starters who the fuck names their kid “Tiger”? Second, Tiger was arguably the best golfer in the world at the time. Buick was never the best car in the world. If MBZ, BMW, or even Lexus hooked up with Tiger it would make sense. Did anyone even think Tiger would be caught dead in one of those Buicks of the…
Seriously, I’m about to ask Jose for a ‘84 Countach with the gold rims and my budget is $8000...ROFL!
This is how the pyramids were made...LOL
David, were you in a high school garage band? LOL
I haven’t seen Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion for some time now...not even the generic brands either.
1st: How is this any different from installing a nanny cam to make sure they babysitter isn’t abusing your kid?
Yah, I don’t hang out too much with white folks anymore. I mean, it’s not like there’s a Target or Walmart of “white folks” to go shopping or befriending for...lol
Ya, if everyone just ate just a little bit less meat it would go a long way. I have been eat less meat for about a year now, and my belly still won’t go away...LOL. It’s really not that hard to skip meat just one meal every now and again.
If anyone thinks this is the first time he has used the “N-Word”, I have some beach front property in Indiana I can sell you for cheap. I have grown up around white folks and just about every single one of my white friends have used the “N-Word” in private. Come on folks, wake up, it’s 2021 already.