Nostalgia can be pretty expensive...haha
Nostalgia can be pretty expensive...haha
I don’t know what to think anymore. I mean a 26K mile Sterling? Is there a mint Chevette out there as well? LOL
Thank the Christian Right-Wing folks for the war on drugs. Go Jebus!
Worst road trip ever...
And I still NP’d it...LOL
Hey man, I’m Team Thanos ;)
Hey José, what are the energy costs and environmental impacts on this battery recycling business? Also, can you do an article about end of life for PV solar panels?
If you like the Honda Crosstour or Acura ZDX, then this is for you (yes, I met someone who was like “I need the Crosstour”). For everyone else, ND.
Porsche is trialing a software update that should rectify the exhaust emissions problem, at which point people my be able to buy them again.
You’ve never farmed, have you?
Tesla grew by 35% in 2020 while legacy OEMs were down 35%.
Actually, if he really wants to “save the world”, he should just kill himself. Afterall, “every breath you take, every move you make”, farting included adds to green house emissions. Just saying...truth hurts right?
You do realize that Trump is a Climate Change denier and that 74 Million people voted for him. Humanity does not deserve to be saved.
A couple of decades ago a friend suggested that brake lights should be like a “meter” so that the people behind could see the intensity of the braking applied, you know, like the volume meters. DJs FTW!
4th: LOL, this is exactly what I posted!
At the heart of every HydroX-Cell(L)TM is its unique ability to accept lower grade, and therefore lower cost, hydrogen fuel. Whether sourced direct from industry or as a derivative of ammonia, there is a cost benefit of opening a world of new possibilities in zero emission, off-grid power generation.
Actually the “older” cars are smarter in every way. No tech so you can keep your eyes on the road and not plow into the tree beyond the sidewalk head on. Ever since the automatic transmission, cars have been getting more and more dumbed down for humans to the point that humans just completely fail at driving safely,…
Actually the “older” cars are smarter in every way. No tech so you can keep your eyes on the road and not plow into…
Gamestonk FTW! ROFL!
OK, that wording makes it sound like the contraption is “generating” or creating hydrogen. How about:
Some of the XTerras look pretty nice. You can also get a pretty nice 2nd Gen MDX for that money.