Tesla is just doing this...because.
Tesla is just doing this...because.
Those buttons have to be pushed very deliberately, which I assume would reduce utilization.
When Autopilot will signal and do everything else for you, who needs turn signals?
10 years from now I expect truck driving to be a dying career.
Nah, baking soda meat tastes terrible and tends to get “mushy”. Only for those who can’t really cook. Try tenderizing meats in pineapple or kiwi puree instead, the longer you marinate, the more tender to the point of pate.
Fuck the small tax, how about a 75% tax on that shit...LOL!
Yah, exactly how is it possible for 150% of the float being shorted...lol. Momentum trading is all a Ponzi and Wall St knows it. Especially with their high frequency trading and insider information. What WallStreetBets is doing is exposing the truth. Why is trading always halted when the going gets good? LOL
A friend who is a truck driver says that for him the Tesla truck is not ready for cross country trips. For starters it has only one seat, doing cross country with two drivers makes the trip a lot faster keeping the semi going for 20 hours a day vs just 10 with just one seat/driver. For cross country the hydrogen model…
Whew, so glad I don’t care for Jeeps.
Remember when Phillip Morris bought Kraft foods?
Oh, so they live stream all events on their channel? Cool
Dude, the Starion is fully independent rear suspension with an LSD...please.
Thank you sir, on my 2nd Starion now, it’s an ‘88 and boy was I surprised how much they now go for...I bought this one for $300...ROFL! Come to think of it, my ‘87 that I got back in ‘92 was my and my family’s first Japanese car. I so wanted one when it came out back in ‘86 and the kid down the street had a white one.…
Having owned 2, 280ZXs, yes it was a quirky feature. I just made you feel like you had more gas than you really did. Made gas fill up procrastination a real thing...lol
Well if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, right? Maybe IndyCar can make their own YouTube channel...
This is what true racecars are all about. Where less is more, like in savings. Less weight = less power needed, less brakes needed, less fuel consumed, easier on all drivetrain components, and the best part about this car is just 1 mechanic needed. Generally with ICE cars to get more “powah” there’s no replacement for…
Yah, it’s because most people don’t “money”...lol
When (estimated) that 90% Chinese citizens use counterfeit Windows, this does not surprise me in the least bit. Would rolling back the calendar also make it work? LOL When the McLaren F1 still uses ancient software and the latest rage in cyber security is to use COBOL and PASCAL, this story just gave me a little…