
Oui, oui mon ami? LOL

This is so correct about the Michelins. I have had those MTX L/Ts on my Tundra and Pathfinder also. A full set will run you close to $1K and they ride so nice too. I’ve taken them on snow and mud and they do very well and have low highway noise. I can’t believe all of these cheap cars are all on the East coast, we

Come on, you know the whole family shares the same views, like father like son, and this is just damage control so their eternal revenue stream doesn’t die off.

Ya, check out Linus Pauling.

Can you document your flight school and let us know how difficult or easy it is and the costs associated with getting your license please? I have been fortunate to have flown in the cockpit of a small private jet and would love to get a pilot’s license. Does playing StarFox count as a flight sim? LOL

For me it was when the Celica went FWD. I guess they had to differentiate from the Son of Celica, but ya...

Probably a reflashed ECU to handle the new turbo, I’m assuming it’s a bigger one requiring more fuel. But either way, not for

Are these Darts good? There’s a neighbor with two of them down the street, were these supposed to be the Neon R/T replacement? No cats = no meow for us here in CA...

Fun fact: About 50% of Americans have some form of Herpes. Have a nice day ;)

Are you familiar with this car?

The only problem is that e30 M3s are going for C8 money right over $120k for some.

OK, so this is aimed at the e30 M3 lover, after seeing how much those go for now, I understand. Depending on how much desire there is, this could work. However, we’re talking about some serious remarrying the person you divorced kinda But here’s to hoping that those fins don’t make a comeback.

1st Gear: Corporations donate to both sides all the time, they gotta grease all the bits.

What most folks don’t realize is that if you check those political donation fact checking sites, you will see that most corporations donate to both sides. They will need to work with whoever is in charge so they need to grease all the wheels.

Reading, it’s fundamental. Re-read my post, I never said there was none when they were invented, I was merely pointing out that the network behind the invention wasn’t fully developed at first.

The free market wants cocaine and heroin, I’m in.

LOL, that is choice coming from Mr. Iron-Oxide Man!

Copart! lol

So, you think poor folk out in the sticks lobbied lawmakers to push all those agendas through or do you think Capitalists with their money lobbied said lawmakers to do their bidding? No matter what the means, Capitalism will find a way.

I’m really forward to this, their CTO is the former chief Model S engineer and on paper, their business model should be very competitive with Tesla’s. They have 900+ volt charging and if Electrify America can pull off their end, Lucid really does stand a good chance at eating up Tesla’s market share. Now imagine this