
As a fan of Getaway In Stockholm, this guy is out of control, it just takes one bad lane change from either party...

I think you have already done a piece on this but, do dealers have an extra incentive to get rid of the the current year models to make room for the following year models? I only ask because when I was 16, there was a brand new 2 year old Corrado that the local VW dealer had for sale on discount.

Now playing

Oh, you didn’t have the original NES where you have to blow the cartridges to make them work?

The $71,400 Pur Sang version subs in hammered aluminum panels, which I suppose is better because it’s not plastic?

So I guess there are folks who read Playboy for the articles...LOL

We need to bring back talking cars again! It seems so apropos now with Siri and Alexa in homes.

A rusted out German nightmare project? LOL

Oh, if you’re not stealing something while you’re pulling’re not doing it

Ya, those DC chargers run north of $10K apiece.

No L2 charging?!?! About half the world runs on 220v and HD didn’t install L2 chargers? No wonder Ewan and Charlie had craptastic charging throughout the series.

And in 1984, 150 hp is definitely no joke

If the suspension bits were busted the car wouldn’t drive straight and the damage would be visible, the timing belt. This car probably needs the timing belt service too. Potholes also bend rims too. Just saying, probable and

Oh, not the performance, the best looking. I’m just partial to this design. Way better than the round lights...

Touche...LOL, have at it!

I’m not very familiar with the one pedal driving that I have heard so much about, my Leaf doesn’t have that feature. Does the car come to a complete stop and turn on the brake lights? It almost looks like that is what happened, I don’t see the car roll backwards at all with the brake lights on as to the reddit.

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I still just don’t understand why the heck they decided to call it a Mustang, since it shares literally nothing in common with an actual Mustang.

I thought Virginia was supposed to be the land of virgins....

This is like the last and best Integra. Considering here in SoCal the only ones for sale are $10k-$15k, yes half the miles and better all around condition, this is about the right price for this car in this condition. If cosmetics turn you off, then you will pay for the nicer ones. This is only for the Integra

4th Gear: Speaking of horse hood ornaments/emblems. I think Ford has the most horse named cars if not the most famous ones, right? Mustang, Bronco, and Pinto although there are a number of Colts out there too. I leave you with some real horsepower...

I think the samonella would get fact did you know all felines on Earth are immune to samonella?