
My friend who used to own a comic book store also taught me the most important lesson in collecting. Supply and demand is also true.

LOL, yah, until the Boomers all die off. Oh and BTW, in order to be considered a “classic”, the used car price must be equal to or greater than the original MSRP and adjusted for inflation. The Caddy’s don’t qualify.

From the ad:

Yes, those are brand new housings, a used turbo almost always has a little bit of surface rust and doesn’t look very “shiny”, they tend to look matte. Turbos For Life!

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1st Gear: If you have to ask, it’s too much.

True story, a good friend of mine was very close friends with Gurney III, whom I have met personally many times when he would visit my friend’s place of business.

Yamaha YSR50

The want is great in this one!

Oh Magic 8 Ball, tell me what you see...LOL

Musk and Thiel are allegedly best buds too, he was in the F1 that Musk crashed.

LOL, I just saw 10/03...didn’t read the “17" :)

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Haha, this cutey is cute. With that, it’s hard to take a car company seriously when your spokesman is...

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Neutral: Cars are happy to get a little break from all the shit we put them through. It is a proven fact that two pairs of shoes worn intermittently between the two wears out slower than wearing two pairs consecutively. With that, I leave you with time away...

“Is your refrigerator running? Better go catch it!” LOL

Wait, what? Bored over at Business Insider? Good to see you here again :)

NZ being an island nation, y’all get a lot of the salty air? Outrageous Fortune FTW! I love Pascalle!

Right now the Belarus is the Sputnik V vaccine’s guinea pigs. What can go wrong?

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That “stuff on the dash” looks a lot like dirt. Just saying, this thing has been sitting outside open for who knows how long. I don’t think this is an “intentional garden”, those plants look to be like common weeds (no, not cannabis). The seats are great at retaining water and so there ya go :) With that, I leave you

The GTA franchise has been condemned as well from the Bible Belt.

Fullychargedshow on the Tube continues to point the Supercharger network on a few EV reviews they have done. The 3rd party charging stations were always a hassle and many were not functioning. Because the majority of humanity doesn’t own their own house to charge an EV, the charging infrastructure network is a must.