
Neutral: I’m feeling great after I saw the news last night about Trump + COVID19 LOLOLOL I guess he’s gonna be taking shots of Hydroxychloroquine at each meal. Or he can ask his good buddy Putin for some of that Russian vaccine. I don’t see him dying, they put that one actor guy in an induced coma to keep him alive,

More like falling in love with a prostitute...wait, that was Pretty

Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants. :) <3

CARB had a program where I was able to purchase my used ‘12 Leaf for only $3500. There are many used options for you if you just need a city car. My retired father uses the Leaf around town.

Does anyone else have a Supercharger network? I hate the guy as much as most do, however, just like Apple has the phones and the iTunes, this is the model that Musk followed.

Until another manufacturer makes their own SuperCharger network, Tesla will continue to dominate the EV market.

I hope for his sake his kid doesn’t keep him up all night like my two kids Welcome to parenting :)

Kirsten is crying a little bit right now.

That’s why I collect Hot Wheels :)

I’m pretty much in the “Don’t mess with any RX” camp. I love them all, used to have an ‘81 and it’s a street legal go-kart, miles of smiles. :)

3) Where did EV West lug that motor to for the dry lake bed/salt(?) shoot? Yes, I’d love to shoot the Charger in such a location.

Here’s what I could find on their website. If this is the kit, it’s $11,900 and it comes with everything you need except the battery(ies).

I guess it would have to be called the EX-8?

and allow you to change gear ratios in your third member.

I too have had your very same sentiment ever since I had heard of nuclear energy in elementary school in the early 80s. If you read the article, MIT has acquired a new high temperature superconductor that in theory will make this possible. Humanity has been looking for superconductors for a while now and just like

You do realize that in the past 6o years the US population has expanded significantly, right? Just because we haven’t fed everyone on the planet or not everyone has an iPhone in their pocket doesn’t mean we haven’t succeeded. I guess the ISS is a complete failure because it only houses a few people at a time too,

There’s one born every minute...

I was thinking the same thing, if you have the skills and time to yank that 3.4 out and part out the car...but I already have a

What’s sad is that I see (my father included) driving around with their handicap placards hanging from the rearview mirror. And the fuzzy dice too...

Wall Street banker with a MBA (billions) will make more than a Brain Surgeon (millions) with double the time spent in academia.