Tommy Hellfire

I say make it anyway, but I always appreciate when people do that (I'm a stickler for it myself)!

The secret died with him.

What’s your hourly rate?

Actually, it’s about spot on Lucy from my nightmares

I know one of those guys. He’s tall. He looks like an older, refined Johnny Knoxville. He’s an EMT, forrest firefighter, pilot and ex-Army Ranger and he cowers whenever his 5’2” wife tells him to do something. It’s fucking adorable.

Pretty though. Yep.

Gotcha. I hope it was warm enough! In summer Wasilla is nice and green and spread out. Damn I hate anchorage. Have you seen Kenai?

What’s this about the cryptkeeper now? He’s dating Barbie? I hate to admit this but I think Wasilla is nice.

Ha! YES! I always get a reindeer sausage pizza at the brewery when I’m there (or even in the airport before a hold-on-for-dear-life plane to the outer regions). I can’t get anyone that hasn’t been there to believe me when I say it’s delicious!


yeah, but meth-free crab in AK goes for $20.98/lb That .98 on the end? savings.


This is beautiful.



who cares? You can take a pile-on or two! You’ll be better for it. Do you really want to be a part of the hive mind and disrespect yourself and what you feel? No, girl!

Mmmm. Make sure she doesn’t burn it.

I'm willing to die for this sandwich. But smoking I will not tolerate: that shit will kill you.

You and I both know this is an insult to all sandwichdom. You're better than that. Post me the best sandwich in the world. Something worthy of your focus and ability.