Tomi Marchant

Sexual assault, plain and simple. Fucking disgusting. 

No surprise here. At the end of the day, European Americans are always self-serving. Greed is hardwired in their DNA. 

This fucking pig clear as day MURDERED Laquan. Right up there with Tamir Rice’s egregious MURDER.

Burn in Hell, Ms. Piggy. 

“But wait, what about Mollie Tibbetts???”


Another day, another worthless, soulless white exposing himself.

Another day, another worthless, soulless European American exposed.

Poor fellow got reminded he was black real quick.



I fucking love this shit, no shame here 

There is no such thing as a good “law enforcement” officer. 

I would be surprised by this, but we all know nothing is going to happen to the worthless pig.

We will always be the universal scapegoat for their inadequacies. 

White people can literally turn any inane thing into a fucking movie.


Meanwhile... in other parts of our “United” States, European Americans are making millions legally cultivating and selling cannabis.

This is naively idealistic, as many others (including myself) live in states where access to better mediums of intaking THC and CBD are not so readily available.