Tom Ley: honorary black man.
Tom Ley: honorary black man.
Exactly the types of things? Buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Jewelry? sexually assaulting women? He's getting on Bogut for shoving players while boxing out and staring down after dunks, that has nothing to do with the bigger issues that Bogut pointed out.
Seriously, what the fuck is this shit? Ragging on a guy for shit he said years ago? Mocking his school because he went "to fucking Utah?" Really cracks me up with tiny little bitch looking mother fuckers bag on dudes WHO PLAY IN THE FUCKING NBA and WERE THE NUMBER ONE PICK. So funny. And white guys using the word…
Everything he said is absolutely true. It's not even an opinion, even though many of us want to disagree with it... NBA players DO spend way too much on flash and image... A lot of NBA stars ARE arrogant and have multiple girlfriends. They DO buy $100k jewelry. And since when are we defending Kobe in a question of char…
Simply awful article.
I've learned on deadspin if you're going to read comments skip to the ones they don't promote. You're spot on here.
overly whiny is just his general writing style
had to fill the race baiting quota with something.....
oh look it's tom "white guilt" ley using racist terms toward white people again.
I don't know, this piece just seems overly whiny. You don't like him because he called out the over-the-top lifestyle of NBA players, really?
The complete lack of context for most of those clips make me think you'd be better off writing for jezebel.
The Leys must have owned a shitload of slaves because Tom has more white guilt than any blogger I've ever seen
the blue is styled the same exact that blood too?? blue blood??
So, you're willing to pay... to not have to press a single button on a remote control every 3 hours?
Last I checked the roads were designed to accommodate car-sized objects.
Get off your high horse you stuck up prick. Football players are entertainment. You all chose to play and devote 55 hours a week to the sport, for whatever personal reason you chose. Fans work just as hard, and pay their hard earned money, to be able to come see you. Sorry but everyone is not going to like you all…
The "problem" is that the people using the analogy are woefully stupid and clearly received no education while in school. I hate to use an appeal to authority, but I played division 1 college football and nothing in our shitty program even remotely resembled slavery; quite the contrary, in fact. While the team got…
I get what you and your ilk are going for with the plantation analogies, and I understand that analogies do not always have to be of the same degree, but just stop. Just stop.
What a joke that these guys now think they are being held captive. I wish I was blessed with 4.4 speed so I didn't have to take out $50k in student loans that I am paying back over 20 years. Instead I was broke, worked two jobs, took out student loans and had to still study for class. Someone needs to let these guys…
Screw that, there's no excuse for tanking. It ruins competition and is no fun for anyone involved.