

Tom you are more close minded and ignorant than any of the richie incognitos out there.

Pfff. Then go work at dell or crap out shitty movie port games.

Ah, I dont have any, so I focus on work :-)

Oh six hours? I guess Im talking about the people that couldnt be bothered to stay past 6 o clock at all. Sorry.

Sorry. I do work in the industry and I see things that are half assed all the time simply because some people cant be bothered to stay past 6 o clock. I love video games so much that I dont want my name (in the credits) to be on anything other than a perfect game. But, people should know that in the games industry,

Then work someplace else. If your heart isnt in video games 100%, GTFO

If they cant hack it they should have another job

Because it goes against everything our founding fathers stood for? Oh well, as long as I can check my facebook updates to see what that one guy I met once had for dinner right?

Possibly. Its hard to say since the last turn RPG I thoroughly enjoyed was FF8..... which was hella slow thanks to the 'Draw' mechanic...

Have you tried 'Lost Oddesy' for the 360? Its a classic FF style RPG. I think ive succumbed to being a spoiled gamer though, as the classic turn based combat is just too slow nowadays :-(

"putting in the years of long hours and hard work, dealing with the rigid and unfair rules"

They get a college scholarship.

Everyone goes through adversity no matter what. Cry me a fuckin river.

Stop thinking that this is about Sony vs. Microsoft issue. Remove the fanboy and look at what is going on. Im sure sony is in on PRISM also. It doesnt make it right.

The point is why would you be stupid enough to let them put a camera in your living room? Let alone PAY THEM to do so.

Sure, we dont mind being felt up by the TSA, as long as we can keep our faces glued to our HD screens!

Not before being molested by the TSA first though

Mo' meta data, mo problems

Yeah yeah, all the writers here wish they had vaginas. We get it.