A degree is a degree. Unless you want to be president or something, skills and common sense are equally valued as whatever college you graduated from.
A degree is a degree. Unless you want to be president or something, skills and common sense are equally valued as whatever college you graduated from.
Oh wait I see, it's EA and not the NCAA. My previous comment is moot
Im sure ill be flamed and such, but I think a free college education is fair payment for the college athletes.
No no, of course not. Your kid is super special and much smarter than all the other kids.
More importantly, if youre 20, why the fuck are you still living with your parents?
Man, arguing with that type of logic will get you nowhere on this site.
I reread my post, and I should say 'MOST parents view their kids as angels', but it wont let me edit my post though. With that said, your view is completely open and this anonymous nobody on a forum gives you kudos for your parenting. I wish more parents were as wise as you.
Oh shit. Truth bombs, Liz Lemon
Nope. Looks like the same ol GTA in my opinion. I only played 1,2 and London
Sorry, Trevor?
If you dont think the majority of kids online are obnoxious whiny entitled brats, then tell me what server thing youre on so I can go there. And how about actually discussing something as opposed to asking rhetorical absurd questions? Of course I havent met everyone that is online, but the stereotype exists for a…
Well, I definitely need to meet those parents! :-)
Yup, thats what I mean. How many parents of the really irrational and immature children still think that their little johnny is an angel? Probably the majority of them
Yes yes I know. I wouldnt infringe on a parents right. But, it's my opinion that kids dont need to see virtual lapdances and such. And Im sharing my opinion because thats what we are all here to do. But Im just saying all parents view their kids as little angels, when thats normally not the case.
Yes, all the kids on CoD online are surely mature to handle these things.
The excuse you gave is straight from the article on kotaku from a few days ago. Everyone thinks their child is special and can handle it.
How many innocent mice have to be hurt until we ban all beaks?