Tom Lando

Anyone detect some foreshadowing in the nature documentary Nikki was watching about the female millipede?

Man, that was a terrible bummer - very glad Joni escaped, but fuck I'm going to be upset if Buddy dies…

The episode getting an A made me want vomit all over myself, but it was seeing this show get a week's coverage while Quarry is left out in the cold that forced my stomach.

I wish I'd read this comment immediately after the totally jarring effect that ending had on me, I would've died laughing.

And yet I'm totally drooling over the show's constant portent of "the universe-building is just beginning…" At least we've been repeatedly assured that what's coming can't be stopped. I'll hold them to that.

Despite the relative lack of discussion in the comments, I would say it's a refreshing case of quality over quantity - good theories and responses generally across the board, even if not that many people are bringing forward their interpretations. No angry comic book nerds either!

Atoadaso/Called it, Boosh.

My knowledge of Islam is extremely basic, so I don't feel I could speak on that. I can say for my part that my mother, for example, will not watch this show or The Exorcist simply because the idea that "there's a house like this in every town in every country all over the world" is 100% true in her mind, and thus the

Right, I meant to frame this more in the sense that the critic did by bringing up the recent season-sibling Preacher - Whereas in my experience raised Catholic (made to study Catechism classes in my youth, etc) the Catholic church genuinely fosters the kind of "society of theology" that fiction writers can make ample

"Here's an idea, indicate North! Otherwise it's not technically a map…" - Killface, Frisky Dingo

Grant Morrison, Tom Waits, Tom Hiddleston (Snoop Dogg was on this list too)

I just want to apologize for giving the writers so much credit earlier in the season, as I think it's safe to say at this point that any potential thematic explorations this whole satanist serial killer cult thing could've offered have been ignored.

"And I wish you two all the happiness in the world!"

Revisiting Frisky Dingo, it's absurd the number of things that lead all the way back to it - the first mention of Tinnitis comes from the dry cleaner after repeated strikes to the head from Ta'quil during Wendell's undercover operation with the Department of Labour investigating the illegal underground Chinese rabbit

Shapiro being informed he is a "One-hitter quitter" is also a Frisky Dingo reference, to season 2 after… Was it Wendell? Operation Meth-nazi went south, someone got knocked out, Ronnie the gay rapist Xtacle informed him he was "One-hitter quitter". Also, I seem to recall in the live-action Casper movie, Casper died of

Wow, excellent catch! I knew I'd seen that scumbag somewhere!

Also I think the drugs the cultists were taking with their shots were the ones Proctor produces via the neo-nazis, so that may also be a solid connect.

*sigh* It WOULD have been Alan Rickman… I blame you for this pain.

I like that Banshee grows in this manner - It's something like a rule in Dungeons and Dragons, that the answer to "how many mysterious evil forces are there?" must always be "one more." The constant escalation of conflict is what Banshee thrives on. So adding yet another player to this chaos-terrarium is generally

If she's actively trying to do Nic Cage from Bad Lieutenant in this role, I not only cannot blame her, but would like to formally commend her. Unforgettable performance, certainly something to aspire to in a full-tilt environment like SEASON 4 BANSHEE (Wooo!)