
Jesus, Joan. This is both the most beautiful and most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a long time.

I don’t know, those all seem low to me, but to each their own.

Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

I’m backwards like you. I’m a far better speaker. Vocabulary is my strength. To me this makes sense. If you don’t comprehend, then you don’t comprehend right. If the communication goes right over your head it’s gone. It’s outta there.

Legally, I don’t think they have any recourse, even if they send him a cease-and-desist letter. Once he leaves the store (not even the state) they are his to do with as he pleases. Tweets and comments all over the place support him in this decision. It’s no worse than buying stuff to sell lemonade, or food items from

Odd how everyone in these comments seem to really dislike Krispy Kreme but the moment someone shows up in office with a dozen or two of them, they are gone in a jiffy.

100% this, I’ve driven them in heavy traffic before, its fine, its muscle memory so you don’t really notice.

The place it was always destined to go. 

you arent incorrect but I think the author is mischaracterizing Yang’s supporters because real white nationalists wouldn’t support him. This was just a smear job on the authors part

Yang Gang is not even bothering. Yang is the ONLY guy who actually GETS IT!
Bernie said robots aren’t going to take our jobs and Yang is sounding alarmist. I have huge respect for Bernie, and truly love some of his policies, but wtf? None of the political candidates can grasp where we are. For example, nobody is

This.. Thanks for saying exactly whats in my mind. Coming from the tech field myself and helping companies transform with AI, his freedom dividend makes absolute sense. He is also the only candidate who has a grasp of tech. Tech used by our govt is getting antiquated. Having someone with Yang’s perspective will be

100% agree this might be the worst smear article I have ever seen written. As a journalist of any sort you should be ashamed. Do some research.

I agree with you! Thank you! Also, FYI, I am a male Hispanic from New York City. Far from a white nationalist LOL!

Now playing

This is the most ridiculous smear of Yang I have seen thus far, congrats.

Fighting this fight daily. I have a ‘too-smart-for-their-age’ 10 year old that is highly opinionated and is developing some strong talk-back skills. Any request by us takes several repeats with the volume going higher each time. Threats of removing privileges/access happen all too frequently. I completely understand

1. My kids are 4, 3, 21 months, and 15 months

Who downloads these weird, crappy apps in the first place?

And PE doesn’t even need to own a majority of stock to make significant changes, pilfer the company, and fleece other shareholders. Just being a big footprint in the company (15% or so), let’s them push their agenda.

The PE guys will then blame “overseas competition” for the jobs stolen by their financial fecklessness, and “family breakdown” for the fact that unemployed people use drugs at a much higher rate. From Brian Alexander’s Glass House, about the debt-fueled takeover and devastation of glass maker Anchor Hocking and its

I work for a company that does business with others that are often PE owned. We HATE giving these companies money that doesn’t have explicit strings on it because we know that the PE firm is going to suck that money out instead of putting it toward actual business uses.