
this guy is an American hero.  I agree, stay awesome.

my second car was a beautiful 86 yellow fiero. That bad whip had pop up head lights, stereo speakers IN THE HEADREST! and a front trunk for storing your manual sun roof.  I had it in 1999 and I regret selling it everyday of my life. Get the fiero, or maybe I should just get the fiero....

this picture looks like Eric Schmidt of google getting ripped apart....

Spitting 🔥🔥🔥🔥 

Every. Damn. Day. Ever. Repeat.  Then we die

yes you are right.  there is no more nuance than this explanation. 

uh....its a marketing campaign of a corporation trying to make money. They are taking a calculated approach to increasing market share and sales toward women. Should businesses “go after them equally”? found the person who has never run a business before.  no one in business ( successful ) goes after anything

winter is coming! Reminder, we still havent even had one quarter at negative growth....yet

Thank you for saying this. I used to work on ship engines and I always felt the more dangerous substance coming out of the exhaust was everything but the CO2. For right now we need to determine what is worse, particulates, C02, or the destruction of the earth for rare earth metals in batteries. Quite literally pick

Excellent how I work. Enjoyed Kelsey’s short film and look forward to seeing more of her creative work.

It is flipping video games and its consumerism, not capitalism. No one is going to die if a great new title inst released ASAP. The problem here is people are buying goods they do not need with money they do not have to support bad behavior. This solves itself if gamers vote with their credit dollars. If I

Yeah, that is not a reach at all 

I get where they are coming from and you are reading into looking for a fight. I’m happy to pay a little extra just like uberculture up there but as an example, Miami where I live has all kids of bizarre add ons that I can guarantee you don’t go to the dishwasher.  A statement on the menu explaining what they are up

its exactly the same thing the line is blurry and wide.  the future is here.

They ( schools ) cant forgive the debts as they already have the cash, the financial institutions.are holding the debt. Because getting loans are so easy to obtain it allowed the educational institutions to raise prices because people would get the money from the banks ( supply and demand ) . rinse repeat. the system

All good choices, but also check out Fabriano! 

amateur hour over here.  mix it with nutella 

and I Am Legend.  His presence kept me captivated, the scene in the video store brilliant.  Not his fault they used BS CGI. Will Smith is the man.  

Denmark has a population of around 5 million people but has the same percentage of people below the poverty line as the US.....

I learned to draft in engineering school in early 2000s, both analog and digital.  I am glad I learned the old fashioned way, gave me appreciation for a bygone era