Tom Kelso

For her first arc, will Doctor Thirteen have to deal with the Architects and Mortality?

That is series creator Bruce Timm as both the voice and the model for the ''Mad Bomber''. When you get the guy in charge to appear in your episode, that says something.

But I'm feeling MUCH better now….

Then again, Batman gave him more to do as Harvey Dent than Night Court ever did. Maybe Moll wasn't that limited?

On this show, they can't fly in space. He can't fly at all. But neither of them can survive in space.

Durlans are shape-shifters, and able to do any number of things. Like survive plummeting out of an exploding jetliner, it seems.

Well, in the comics, Daxam is basically a planet full of authoritarian jerks who consider themselves superior genetically and morally, so, yeah, you are talking about the Trump voting base.

The females on Melmac look like that? Why would Gordon leave?

One of the better episodes. It ended with the guy being executed. He knew Clark's story about how he survived was phony, and he pieced together that Clark and Supes were the same person as they threw the switch.

A double feint on that reference; it leads into, "you know about baking?"

What do you do with a guy who saw Mojo and decided, "That's what I'm going to be!" Banish him topside and hope the sun burns the infection away.

OK, Imposters (and yes, they spell the word wrong in the title, but never give a hint as to why):

The ass-crack of Illinois is pretty much anything south or west of Joliet and Rockford. Could you be more specific?

I'm sorry. Even Kate recognizes she was born with a porn name.

As Sleepy Hollow slinks off this mortal coil for good… (unless FOX is truly desperate)

And also because Chase IS Vigilante in the comics. I'm also pretty convinced we are far from done with Rory.

It's what I think of as the Richard Pryor rule; if he wants to use a certain word, to reclaim it, weaponize it, whatever, that's fine. I don't get to, because there's a whole lotta history that carries along with me using it. HOWEVER I intended to use it. Intent doesn't matter.

So I guess this means Angel from Hell was not multi-camera (or focused, well-written, or several other positive things)?

I got a Selfie notification for this?