Tom Kelso

Which means that it was really a Robinson-Finger corporation before the Kane hostile takeover?

Unlessit is mandated by lawful due process as a punishment for heinous crime, every Monday can be a Following-free Monday.

Because The Zeta Project is actually PDG, and I suspect they wanted to avoid getting torched for totally disregarding the entire Timmverse.

Read a BOOK!

Johnny Bravo on and not even a runner-up for Justice League?

You've got them mixed up. THIS Gargoyle now has a fake foot puppet, which he uses to connect with his troops every Alive Day. (damn you, Fox!)

Go google "Eartha Kitt Snuff out the Light" — it's impossible for that to not be sexy.

Since Jonathan Coulton is very close with the Johns, back to the days of Dial-A-Song, I'd say that was intentional, if not grounds for a lawsuit. *wink*

There's also Aristotle, but only one guy I ever heard of thinks he's a Belgian.

Ah, Margaret Colin… still impossible to resist.

Not sure what you're getting at here — I would recognize Rocca, Poundstone or Blount fairly easily, but Gavin DeGraw or Andy Roddick? Wouldn't know them if I spit on them. And Brooklyn Decker would be another blonde on the streets of New York who would catch my eye for being pretty, but her name? Wouldn't be

Oddly enough, the format has found a home on NPR, where shows like Ask Me Another and Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me regularly feature mid-level celebs (and, because it's NPR, supposed pundits) making themselves look mildly silly trying to remember things.