
Nah, I think the Duke thing is gonna come together though. Because he may be a dick and be working here in a seemingly very pro-life change program and that may seem to not make sense BUT that doesn't mean he didn't once buy into all of this and then got totally discouraged/didn't see real longterm results and so now

No because when they skewer White People they're at their best. Like 'The Day Beyonce Turned Black', and the joke about white people clapping when planes land, and the skit after the election with Dave Chapelle and Chris Rock.

This article acts like there's not a million chances for Robert DeNiro or other celebrities to jump in and play roles for Trump's swamp-laden associates. So let Rosie do what she wants. Bannon played by her is better than the one-joke landing of a halloween costume.

'She and Emilia Clarke do have an enlightened attitude towards onscreen clothing requirements' Not even true. Emilia Clarke had to add to her contract in later seasons of Game of Thrones that she didn't want to do as much on screen nudity because she was fed up.

Kevin has an ego and needs validation. The more difficult Olivia is the more he needs her to acknowledge him. And he thinks she's crazy but she's still a tony-award winning actress who is well-respected in the acting community he also needs validation from. The only thing that really has kept them together from being

I think triplets is a 'death sentence' because it's so expensive… 3 college tuitions. And I think one kid was already going to be difficult for them to support.

Came on here 'cuz I got some William questions!!!!

It's weird because the movie cut the dead bodies of people which I think was an attempt to keep it kinda kid-friendly, and while the show has less Gore-Discretion shots, it still feels lighter than the film. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because it's kind of zany. NPH's Count Olaf doesn't feel as threatening either but


I loved Aasif Mandvi So much! I did get the feeling that he kind of took over a little of the role of Justice Strauss in the books though. Because I feel like in the book series she's more of the 'one that got away' in terms of parents, but here it feels like had they just gotten to stay with Monty, everything would

It's made me start to wonder if Lemony Snicket's time might be 10 or 10+ years in the future since his style is even different from theirs.

In Thurm's defense, I think this show does have a slight anti-Christian slant to it (but also to be fair I'm only two episodes in.) But, even though it seems like it likes making Cardinals and Popes and the Vatican look utterly foolish and pathetic, there's also something weirdly sympathetic about it and especially

It's real weird so it's hard to either sell or not sell people on it. I didn't think I was going to watch Ep. 2 after watching 1 but I got intrigued. It reminds me a little of Mad Men and a little bit even of Twin Peaks. I think the show wants to grab Christianity by the throat for a while so if you're religious or

I love Salinger, and the poor wreck his social anxiety and avoidance disorder had on his life—but I also had trouble buying the 'best author' part even if we're discussing like a cultural influence… he was huge for sure but even within America he's not the biggest catalyst-writer. But lol, I get that Young P wanted to

Yeah 'conservative' but not like this where he's trying to destroy the church all on his own. He's being just as ungiving to the vatican as he is to the American people and almost seeming to go the extra length to deify himself even whilst cutting himself out of the picture to force people to turn away from the

Yeah… I think it's not a show about Gen-X, so much as "Young" means not 40, but he's a literal child. Which seems to be why he leans on Michael and Mary so heavily and also why he snaps at everyone and is obsessed with hurting everyone as much as his youth hurt him.

Also I feel like the next foreseeable twist will be that Darlene knows her brother has another personality but also content to rely on that personality for fsociety plans. Or so was the sense I got from their interaction when she slunk up next to him on the couch.

Is Dom gay? I wasn't 100% sure why they threw in the 'hot girl sexy actually' dream line unless she's just calling Angela hot to her face or something.

lol i feel like the joke is that in France everyone's like this anyway. I mean, swan-nipple dress definitely outshines Claire's dress

I'm surprised so many people missed the fact that the reason there even if this brutal storyline is because it's talking about Britain's colonization of The Highlands.