
'Under the Skin' and 'America's Funniest Videos'

I miss LA and NYC sometimes. I live in a big city too but we don't have really good Ethiopian, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, Korean, Indian foods. Or access to as many museums and art and music or comedy events. But, I guess if I lived in those places full time I'd never be able to afford to actually do stuff anyway

Most comics were originally about anti-semitism and a projection of hope and
safety. X-Men is about outcasts and alienation, and first it was about Jewish Immigrants, then about the LGBTQ community and now in this time, the film team chose to portray the heroes as the diverse community of people who are half Mexican

I don't think they're ever going to leak who she is and I respect that. I think he cheated on her multiple times but then this was emotional cheating plus more like a relationship which made it worse.

The discourse around the election is bananas to me. The Bernie Sanders fans fucked us because of a mixture of sexism, apathy, and in general many in that camp had never bothered to vote or be involved in politics before. They came out of the woodwork FOR HIM. That's because he's a great candidate, yes, and I voted for

This show has a lot of flaws, but I really appreciate their commitment to including black historical figures/black history in almost every episode. And because that history has been so underserved in other areas, it also helps from keeping the show from being too cliche or something we've all seen a hundred times

I dunno why but I feel like all the thwartings are somehow a part of the plan, and it's the minor-est of minor changes that will be important…

I can't decide if I want to know who Banksy is or not. It's fun not knowing. On the other hand, how horrible if Banksy's not only a talented graffiti artist and became successful that way but also a talented and successful musician!

UH GUYS. "Bittersweet Symphony" didn't make this list?

I agree but the male part, but part of me is like ""but if anyone's cheesy enough to do it! it's DC movies 2017""

oooh thanks! I'll have to check out the article and see if I agree or if I hate it .

I think that writers are chickenshit about writing minorities, Donna's one of 'em.

I haven't seen it yet, but just going off the timelines I'd assume any romance there is kinda doomed anyway and I'm not sure I'd go into the film really wanting to commit to them 'lasting.'

I honestly wanna produce a sketch where we take actresses in and make them have to figure out how to act out these lines…

He waxed poetic on the wonder woman description in his script to the point where I want to remind him a casting director is going to come in and like you don't need to clue them on hiring a hot lady to play the role….the studio knows… they aren't going to be like, "OH NO HE SAID CURVACEOUS IN THE SCRIPT WE CAN'T HAVE

Boo back in the real world would be a delight to see. I can only begin to imagine the amount of hilarious side plots that could ensue. I'd also love to see some of the characters back in the real world and interacting there and how things change.

GOB looked kind of excited at the end of the mirror realizations… I can't figure out if he's going to get revenge on Tony or do something else…

Daya is the most tragic character on the show to me and always has been. Her Mom already being in prison was a symbol of how doomed so many people are because of their families/their environments, and Dayanara is not only trapped by her family and by her society, she's also an outsider in her own family and is an

His character kind of reminds me of an RPG in a video game who stays in one spot and then gives you heals for free.

i'm sure he'll just pin it all on Caputo anyway. Especially since there were red flags in Piscatella's file.