
That's because it's mimicking the wedding episode. The whole format of this episode is exactly the same as "The Wedding" — the way the flashbacks are done, the fact that half of the story takes place in a sleeping quarters. And the physical intimacy scenes of the wedding are supposed to be just as long as the rape

The real reason why I can understand this episode in the context of the show is that Randall and Jamie are really just stand-ins for their respective countries. Britain needs to 'break' Scotland's spirit so that they 'won't fight back'.

I was sort of waiting for the reveal that its CALEB who is behind everything and is actually a super perfect-acting sociopath and how complicated it'll be next season when Catherine's alive, on death row and innocent and Caleb's free to cause mayhem everywhere he goes.

thank god im not the only one who thinks they're boring rants…

so many fight club references in this shoow i thought that mighta been one of em

especially since Aayad is very intelligent (and is also religious)

saul tells her she has a short amount of time to build a connection strong enough to get him to
1. go against his own instincts of survival and turn into an asset (The people helping his uncle would gut, torture him and hang him in seconds if they ever found out… which is 99% likely since nothing stays hidden forever)

^^^^ You are disgusting…
(that's not supporting America wtf is wrong with you >:( )

Pamela is like every bad boyfriend… she's emotionally abusive, uses him for what she wants and also, as a character, makes for compelling television. She keeps telling Louie she's not good for him and will never be emotionally available to him but he keeps coming back…. (This discussion of emotional abuse has nothing

It was weird too because she said there were 'new changes' which made me wonder if maybe she's changed the way the machine talks to her…

I think the claire story line was continued too soon. It doesn't make sense for her to be a field operative, I get that she's the 'lure' because Samaritan still thinks Finch is naive and will buy it (which, haha okay HE DID) but with her intelligence/Genius in working with AIs it would actually make more sense for her

i LOVE suyin so i'm kinda concerned that she's in on it, Aiwei was her right hand man and if your right hand is dirty then your left one might be too…
plus, she's the one who sends them out at the end of their episode with the key without her sis's knowledge which might ultimately be a bad thing…

yeahhhhhh but, uhhhhhhhhhhh was the demon implying that frankenstein is a virgin except for necrophilia 'what death and life join together'…. because uhhhhhhhhhhhh awkwardddddd

i love that the demon took sir malcolm's shape because sir malcolm was the man she saw involved in her first sin, it was a nice tie-together

she's not a total manic pixie dream girl. i think she's just showing us the postive side to PDS, she had lukemia and died and this is her second chance to live. she's not apologetic, she's not wearing make up or pretending she's still human — she's not going to act like she has something to apologize for. I think it's

your wrong about the show not having a character, mouthpiece of the writers— it's Jessica Lange's Constance Langdon.

Zack dooms this show about like once an episode…

Zack dooms this show about like once an episode…

"and despite all of Lori’s debates about whether or not she wanted to have a baby, what happens in the end is simple, brutal math: The writers want the baby, they don’t want her, adios." Yes, but her character was always going to die. In the comics she and the baby get shot and it propels a lot of story forward,

"and despite all of Lori’s debates about whether or not she wanted to have a baby, what happens in the end is simple, brutal math: The writers want the baby, they don’t want her, adios." Yes, but her character was always going to die. In the comics she and the baby get shot and it propels a lot of story forward,