Divide and Conquer is the G.O.P. marching song, even the thing they are dividing -and therefore weakening- is their own country.
Brian Keith is terrific. My favorite of his performances is in the 1970 WWII prison camp escape drama The McKenzie Break.
“Something about this stinks. You smell, sir.”
(American Black Conservative)
LOL. Lambo’s idea of an ATV is a car with the same ground clearance as a normal car.
I’ll be honest with you
This isn’t November, 1963, the day Aldous Huxley died.
I would watch the shit out of this if Bill Fichtner revived his weird, suburban Multi-Level-Marketing character from the movie “GO”.
I wish I could be drunk with power instead of just normal drunk.
‘”Boy, are my arms tired!” said the Jew.
Y’all needs teh sharpen yer cabbages good n’ spritely now, ya hear?
You could treat that area with some kind of hydrophobic clear wax or the stuff that stops bathroom mirrors from fogging up so the water runs off it.
That is so G.I. JOE.