I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out what blueborg reminded me of - something from Astro Boy maybe, or the racing stripe from an oldschool racecar?
I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out what blueborg reminded me of - something from Astro Boy maybe, or the racing stripe from an oldschool racecar?
i liked Scott Baio a lot more when i forgot he was alive.
I just always feel sorry for these actors who got cast as members of the bridge crew on star trek - “Guess what mom & dad? I’m part of the bridge crew of the new star trek!!!”
Nagra was the lead and critical star of “Bend it”.
“You can make a fortune in film if you’re lucky, but you can make a living in TV.” (I do not know who said that, but I’ve heard it multiple times around the industry.)
I’m so glad she’s pretty steadily working, but if she was trying to be a film actor, that’s not such a great second place.
One accuser, two accuser, three accusers, four,
I hope joe arpaio chokes on a pretzel.
Should’ve got 37000 years.
So a similar reaction to Frankie Boyle writing about politics? You laugh as you read it before getting to the end and start feeling shit because that’s actually what the world is like and if you think about it it’s the exact opposite of funny.
It’s pretty rich coming from a guy who has fluffed and folded Russian money for decades.
You leave my Daisy alone.
Oh come on, I don’t get the Daisy hate now. She has been a regularly engaging character since mid season 2, and has contributed the right amount to the show (except maybe the Lincoln storyline, which I admit was boring, mostly because Lincoln was boring). Her part on the show feels much more defined now that her…
In the spring of 2010, I was finishing my last year of college. I had turned in my thesis paper, and thus had two…
But he’s a man, and these days - I’ll just admit it - I THINK THAT SHOULD COUNT AGAINST HIM!!!
I’m rooting for these crazy kids to work it out and find an amicable resolution - like him giving her all his money after a judge slaps him with a restraining order and sentences him to chemical castration.
I mean I doubt trans people even crossed their minds when making this. We’re generally not on the radar unless we’re specifically talking about Trans Issues™ or for the sake of ‘competitive wokeness’ as you point out. Because the point she’s making is just the Roll Safe meme - people in positions of power can’t show…