Tom Glavine only has 1 dong

I find these shmear campaigns disgusting. I hope Hillary lox him up!

The worst thing about a Mazel Tov cocktail is having to light all nine fuses before throwing it.

- ILLEGAL: It was an “unspoken grey area” that everyone exploited until the FBI blew it up for what we can now see were clearly political reasons. Holy shit did you see Comey’s sidemouth statement today? So yes, it was illegal and now the rest of ‘em have exposed themselves to criminal prosecution by making a big

To help us out could you please articulate in a single post why you don’t like her. This reactive stuff is kind of scattergun and difficult to follow and makes it seem like you’re just going “nuh-uh!” to everything we say.

Learn to Kinja champ, my replies are not sequential. It takes time to type things. I am responding to other comments before responding to you. The universe doesn’t revolve around you or your opinions.

No, you’re not sure. You have no proof to back up your claim yet you let some fatass on the radio tell you how you’re supposed to think. My god pull your head out of your ass.

No I am absolutely aware of it, but it all seems to be either completely made up, or a special interpretation of behaviour that almost every top-level politician engages in but in HRC’s case it makes her a “criminal”.

The expression “nuclear button” also exists. And talking about the football makes it sound like you’re talking about the actual object, and a nuclear attack can be ordered from places like the Situation Room in the White House without it.

Some people say football too. What do you have against figurative language?

And there are stupid people like you who have a moron’s grasp on politics and proud to share it with the world.

But your criticism rests on the assumption that there exists a person who could do better than anyone who has run or been elected in the last 30 years. Who is he or she? And if that person pleases your exacting demands, are you under the impression that they would also 100% please all 350 million Americans in equal

We say we dial numbers on phones even though phones don’t have dials anymore. It’s a conventional way of speaking.

The “nuclear button” is a metaphor. Or metonymy or something, I don’t know. It means the authority to make decisions about use of nuclear weapons.

Gimme a break, everyone knows the term “nuclear button” is just a widely used term regarding a far more complicated process — no one thinks it’s just a button sitting there waiting to be pressed.

Who is the magical wizard who is able to do all the things a POTUS must do exactly to your* specifications, with the easy cooperation of Congress and SCOTUS, but has chosen for some strange reason not to run? Surely that person should be the object of your scorn — the only thing not perfect about him (I assume if you

The ol’ “Both Sides” argument, eh? Oh oh- And let me guess, you’re and “inDUHpendent” too?

Please list the VERIFIABLE transgressions that are worse than “was against gay marriage then decided to support it”.

If you think “had an email setup like a bunch of other people” is worse than changing your position on important social issues... well I got nothin. Because once you take the position of “yeah but her

Also there’s this nuclear button bullshit. Some people seem to think they are “bad as each other” when it comes to risk of massive war, fall of civilization etc. I mean, really? You think the person who was actually SECRETARY OF STATE is MORE likely than any previous candidate to start a nuclear war? A person who

I, too, love being a straight white guy.

The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social