Tom Glavine only has 1 dong

Again, it’s not about the vote, it’s about what it represents. If you voted for Trump, then you can’t honestly say that you respect women, homosexuals, Muslims, or most minorities, because your actions have put the lie to your words.

I think the usual “it’s just a candidate” thinking goes out the window with Trump. He is a cult of personality and what he advocates goes not only beyond the standard “compassionate conservative” nonsense and into straight-up bigotry.

This is a turning point for the culture of our country and the future of our society.

That’s nice that you can consider someone who doesn’t disapprove of racism and misogyny enough to not cast a vote for a presidential candidate who openly trades in both, amongst a host of other odious traits, a decent person merely because of your familial relationship with them. Not everyone agrees or finds that as

“Revolutionary art”

Politics is personal. Pretending it’s not is how we get fucked up situations like this.

No, because they voted for Trump and they’re openly racist. I have to question anyone’s judgment who voted for Trump. And now they’ll regret that decision for as long as I see fit. My daughter is on board, she’ old enough to chime in, and she agrees. I gave her the ultimate choice. She’s never liked going there

A vote for Trump is an admission that you think women, Muslims, Mexicans, and homosexuals are less than human, and don’t deserve rights.

As hard as it is, the best thing for any government employee to do right now is stay where you are. You are one of the few forces that can work to soften the blow that the Trump presidency is going to have on the world.

My inlaws have had their grandchild visitation revoked. I told them we’ll revisit in 6 months, but they shouldn’t hold their breath. Elections have consequences.

Ummm.....a lot of “going with the flow” is “understanding how to run the country.” He’s not running an IHOP here, and nothing about the fact that he dorsn’t even know who he has to hire or what can and cannot be delegated should be comforting to you. Having a fresh perspective is one thing, not knowing the most

To all those people who are so offended that they’re being called racists just for voting for Trump - go fuck yourselves. You may not consider yourself racist, but you looked at a man with a long well-documented history of racist words and deeds, who was running an explicitly racist campaign that was managed by a