Tom Friedman's Mustache Wax

Man, just when you think you’ve seen every kind of organic/vegan elitist...


It’s almost like Goodell is a person, the NFL is a business and one can hold two separate opinions on two separate things.

It’s all an act.

This. Have some backbone, for shit’s sake.

“I really hate people invading my personal space and taking up too much room.”

“Belichick thinks he’s all high and mighty with one murderer to his name. Heh. We’ll see about that.” - Jerry Jones

If it’s too much of a hassle to get your kid in and out of the car, don’t have kids. Simple as that.

I know you thought this was a clever upending of the whole issue, but until women committing domestic abuse on men is anywhere near as epidemic as the other way around, you have no point.

This. I’m sure there ARE people who hate Courtney partially/primarily because of her lady parts, but the majority of the Courtney hate I’ve ever seen has been because she’s a liar, a chiseler, a pimp who routinely dug up Kurt’s corpse and whored it out one nickel at a time, a drug addict who squandered the value of

If you live in the public eye, your indiscretions do as well.

Iron Mike Gallego called this months ago. Pacquiao’s weaknesses played right into Mayweather’s strengths and Mayweather hasn’t been a KO artist in a long time.

I really don’t get the point of posts like this.

Pretty much. Toss in the off appetizer or bar snack and the rest is gravy.

I want him to bash a dinger over the wall in the 9th to win the World Series, then drop his pants, pull a syringe of stanzolol out of his ballsack and round the bases backwards, doing this:

Right, yes. NOBODY is arguing that it’s worth it for every bar to pay the licensing fee.

That’s because it’s impossible to measure that with such a variable data set for every bar, but it’s also not about that. It’s about if the cost is worth it. That’s measured in more than just one-night profit.

What did he do wrong?

Very true, which is a risk any bar takes in licensing any fight. The risk is assumed as part of the cost. The risk is no higher here than anywhere else.

Well, sure, if Mayweather Tysons him, all bets are off, but the smart money is on a decision win. Mayweather can’t/won’t risk trying to KO Pacquiao and Pacquiao can’t win period.