Tom Friedman's Cab Driver

And that randomization can be calculated in different ways, based on an in-game timer, the system clock, a seed based on something the player inputted, or using some kind of ‘noise’ source, such as gauging the temperature of a component, reading from a ‘line in’ or microphone source, many things.

I get trying to preserve some of the pen-and-paper flavor of the Interplay games’ turn based system, but jeez was it ever clunky.

If you read this you’d understand that they still know the nut has the same number of calories but the amount absorbed by the body is different than previously thought.

Rogue One. 

The Rule of Two has been both dumb as fuck and constantly undercut from day one, so no huge loss there.

Rule of Two was bullshit from the start - see Asajj Ventress. Yeah, yeah, she’s technically not a Sith because it was just Dooku/Tyrannis and Palps, but that’s just semantic bullshit.

Yes, that’s the most glaring issue with this purported version. But I think there are other issues with Rise of Skywalker that this version doesn’t have that still make it an improvement.

I’d have loved to have seen the original version of Solo, and what Lord & Miller were striving for, before they got canned and Disney reshot it to be more “on-brand.”  I think it might’ve been a pretty good standalone entry.

I kind of thought Instant Pots were overrated, and then I made stock that you could sculpt after a night in the refrigerator. Now my Instant Pot is almost a uni-tasker for making stock, and I’m very ok with that.

I was 14 when “Star Wars” was released; I skipped all-star baseball practice to see it on opening day (the coach would have crucified me had he known.) What people forget now, with all the multi-tiered religiosity that’s been affixed to the entire enterprise, is that the first movie was just a funny, goofy, exciting

Ford had spent years as an unnoticed background actor, and he’d left the studio system to work as a carpenter. He was 34 when he was cast in Star Wars, and it’s amazing to consider that someone with that much laconic presence could go that long without catching a break. How did every room not stop when Harrison

When Mifune turned it down, that role went to Alec Guinness, the one actual movie star in the cast.

I’m surprised Ralph McQuarrie didn’t come up in this article at all. His concept art is part of what earned Lucas his studio funding for A New Hope, and he designed what would become iconic characters (including Vader, who appears pretty much as he appeared in McQuarrie’s concepts), ships, and locations for the entire

“Beyond Mark Hamill’s floppy Tiger Beat hair, nothing about Star Wars even looks ’70s.”

Totally the content of a kids movie. I hate that bit of personal retcon from Lucas. Come on man, you weren’t trying to be Walt Disney, you were trying to tell a story with mass appeal and knocked it out of the park. The “movie for children” idea has shaded everything from RoTJ forward.

“Beyond Mark Hamill’s floppy Tiger Beat hair, nothing about Star Wars even looks ’70s.”

Star Wars starts with Luke being attacked and captured by Sand People (which would NOT have ended well), his aunt and uncle being burned to death, Obi Wan cutting a dude’s arm off in a bar fight, and Solo preemptively murdering Greedo. That’s all before you get off Tattooine. So yeah, you better have your head on a

One, however, went out of its way to be “challenging” and “controversial” the expense of characterisation, narrative, and internal logic.

In the late 80s, the McDonald’s Monopoly game pieces weren’t attached to cups or fry sleeves, just loose. They were supposed to parcel them out depending on the size of your order. We had a high school friend who worked at McDonald’s and would throw a literal handful in our bag if we went through the drive-thru when