HBO Max is a different app, and not even available yet on some devices which have HBO Go and Now apps.
HBO Max is a different app, and not even available yet on some devices which have HBO Go and Now apps.
Following up, the first generation PC did not have an independent, battery-backed clock built-in, users had to install additional hardware for that.
The slowdown could certainly make you think you had broken the computer. The purpose was to underclock the CPU back to the same speed as the original IBM PC with a 4.77 MHz 8088 chip. The first generation did not provide a real time clock, so programs had to time things using CPU cycles. Then, on your blazing fast 66…
I still have the $30 plan and a few times a year I’ll worry about using up the 5 GB of unthrottled data, usually when travelling and using my phone to get directions and hotspot a lot more.
Well, the movie is also nearly half over before they leave Tatooine :). I rewatched it recently with the specific purpose of appreciating the fairly simple storyline in comparison to the prequels and sequels. There’s so much less cutting from place to place, and only four major settings total, maybe five depending on…
I don’t think a base fee will ever get you Netflix-like service where it’s all you can eat. Or, it would have to be a lot more than Netflix. Running a game in the cloud takes a lot more computing power than serving a video stream and they’ll have to charge for it (and send a cut to the publisher). I do think someone…
But most residential gas use is for interior heating and water heating. The cooking use is insignificant.
Modern appliances have electric starters, so they don’t waste much gas, unless they start leaking.
I looked around quite a bit, and the only example I could actually find was season 4 of The Killing, which ran on Netflix after AMC canceled it. My hunch is Netflix lost the rights to the other seasons and decided it was better to not keep the orphaned season by itself.
I don’t know if they’ve ever confirmed, but it wouldn’t make sense for Netflix to take the risk on an original show or movie without securing perpetual streaming rights on it.
Starcraft is an unfair comparison anyway since it came out three years after C&C. Warcraft II was the actual C&C rival and I much preferred C&C and Red Alert.
I can’t find it now, but in one of the articles or discussion threads about this I read that standard charging still works, but scheduled charging so you can leave the plug in but take advantage of off-peak rates does not. But that could be wrong.
You wouldn’t, and there’s no indication that anyone intended to hand out the edibles these cops seized. The cops just raided a dealer / unlicensed dispensary or something and decided to turn it into “We’re keeping kids safe!”
But no grain whisky, of course :). Not that Lagavulin even makes any, I think.
If a game can be launched from Steam and doesn’t prevent the overlay from capturing the game window, it sounds like it will work. What will probably happen is the overlay will create virtual controllers which mirror the input from the remote player(s).
Trump can absolutely be impeached for tweeting and having public temper tantrums if the House Democrats want to do it.
Almonds and seeds from other Prunus trees (peaches, cherries, plums and others) contain a chemical that reacts with water to form cyanide. In non-bitter almonds, there isn’t enough to cause poisoning. But if you crack open cherry stones and peach pits and eat the inside, you can get sick.
I am not a lawyer, certainly not a constitutional one, but where* is Trump getting the idea that impeachment should afford him any particular “due process” whatsoever? The due process is whatever the House and Senate say it is, right? Because they have the “sole power of Impeachment” / “sole power to try all…
I read elsewhere that they don’t know exactly what they even changed in the RDR version vs. the GTA 4 version that was being co-developed and eventually ported.
Based on twitter searching the various numbers: